
  • Thank you! She is such a sweetie!

  • That is awesome!

    We might have to try that.

    Such cute pictures of her eating it too!

  • The recipe is, one box of white cake mix. Follow the directions on that, then add 2 jars of baby food carrots and 2 1/2 jars of baby food applesauce and mix it together. Bake it, then add starwberry frosting ( I use white frosting and added frozen strawberrys ). Top it off with apple slices and carrot coins! I had a slice of it and it was soooo good! Good luck!

  • Adorable!!! :) Can you post the recipe here? Love to make it for my goats.

    - Elyse

  • How sweet!

  • LOL! So cute. :)

  • 2722233701?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024 Here is her Birthday cake!



    Here is the Birthday girl!



    Mmmmmm frosting!

  • I didn't use birthday hats because, I don't have any and if I bought some probably I would never use them again. I got the cake recipe from a fellow goat breeder, so it is safe as long as you don't feed them a lot of the cake. If you would like the recipe I could give it to you. It is real easy to make! Picture will be up soon!

  • Awesome!

    What sort of cake did you make?

    We're planning to buy party hats for our goats on their birthdays. I don't know how much fun they'll be having, but it ought to be interesting to watch.

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