So I'm venting about the weather.... it has been pouring rain for days and the winds last night were awful! My husband is out of town in sunny Arizona (of course!), but meanwhile I am stuck at home dealing with this mess. The worst part of it is that the power went out last night around 3 am, I woke up at 6 am to realize this and ran to check on the MANY eggs I have incubating right now. Incubator temp was down to 78- oh no! I probably now have an incubator full of dead eggs, but I immediately started our generator and have it running again- but it's still only at 88. :( I have lots of Ancona duck eggs that I can lose (my ducks are laying like crazy and I already have another dozen ready to go in), but I had 2 Pomeranian goose eggs, 12 Midget White turkey eggs, and 14 Buckeye eggs. ARRRRGGGG!!!! Why does the power always go out when the incubator is running?
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I highly recommend buying a generator- it was a lifesaver this morning! The power is back on now and things are quiet again, and I'm keeping all the eggs still incubated so we'll see how the hatches go...!
I hope your eggs make it!! I have heard the same thing as Emmie about eggs making it even after temp. flux. I hope you have the same luck!! I just finished hatching out eggs... and we narrowly missed the same situation when Oregon got hit with the winds and rain. Power was out for us too, but only for a couple hours. A generator is on our list this year!!
Sorry to hear about your power and storms. I hope your eggs survive. That would be very frustrating. I have never used an incubator, but I know people who have and understand your concern...
So I learned from BYC (Backyard Chickens) forum that the eggs should still be okay.... One guy was without power to his incubator for 24 hours and still had a successful hatch. I think if I keep my generator running until the power comes back on (except for the 1.5 hours when I'll be gone getting my husband at the airport) we should be okay. My fingers are crossed!! I just really wanted those Pomeranian and Midget White eggs to hatch.... My lone Midget White hen is sooo overdue for some friends! :) I will let you know how the hatches go....
So sorry to hear about your incubator! That would be frustrating. We once lost power when we were brooding chicks, and we built a fire in the fireplace and put them in a wire pen in front of it. Wasn't perfect, but it worked. Do let us know if your eggs survived. I love to learn about that sort of thing. I already know that if you get up to about 108 or more, you kill the eggs, but I have no idea how low the temp can go safely.