
  • Just started making soap myself...Not using goats milk yet as our doe is dry, but it's probably good to start very basic anyway... I have really appreciated and the soap queen tv videos... Plus and The best book I have found is Everything Soapmaking by Alicia Grosso...

     The scale I got that is most accurate American Weigh SC-2KG Digital Pocket Scale from Amazon... It is one of the cheapest too! Only goes up to 2 kg but for the really small amounts it is the best!  I have a stick blender I got at our local hardware store and for my pot I just use a 4 quart glass bowl.. Works just as well as stainless steel and not as expensive.. Unless you want to make like 4 pound or larger batches it is a good size to:)

  • I don't make lotion because every recipe I've seen using some type of preservative. If anyone finds one without, however, please post!

  • The stick blender should be about $10; digital scale $20-30, but you'll be using it a lot after you get it! I use mine for canning, cooking, and weighing daily milk production. I've been using our 5-quart stainless steel dutch oven for ten years, and we're still kicking. I know a lot of people say you need all separate equipment for making soap, but if it is NOT porous (such as stainless steel and glass) I really don't see the point. If it is porous, however, such as plastic and wooden spoons, then you don't want to use your regular kitchen things. I accidentally used a soap spatula for icing a cake one day, and I licked it when I was done ... blech! It tasted like I licked a bar of soap! The cake was okay though.

    Patty Meyer said:

    Hi Deb-

    I'm not making lotion, but am also interested in an answer to your question.  I'd like to learn to make all kinds of things.  I've made soft cheese, yogurt and cajeta so far.  May try cottage cheese again before the girls dry up.  Also want to make soap, but just haven't gotten all the things I need yet.  Scale, separate stock pot and stick blender just for soap, and more...what an investment that will be!

  • Thank you!  I'll be checking that out. :)

    Misfits Farm said: was a big help in making soap.  They have recipes as well.

  • was a big help in making soap.  They have recipes as well.

  • Hi Deb-

    I'm not making lotion, but am also interested in an answer to your question.  I'd like to learn to make all kinds of things.  I've made soft cheese, yogurt and cajeta so far.  May try cottage cheese again before the girls dry up.  Also want to make soap, but just haven't gotten all the things I need yet.  Scale, separate stock pot and stick blender just for soap, and more...what an investment that will be!

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