Aggressive doe

Hi all:

I have 5 does (3 Nigies and 2 Lamanchas). My Nigies are 5 y.o., 4 y.o. and 2. My problem is the 4 year old. She is fine with me but mean as a snake to the other does. I don't just mean head-butting but flat out broad-siding the other does if they have something she wants (like a freakin' leaf!). If I put out hay pellets, then she must run from bowl to bowl and beat the crap out of every doe on the way. Now, I know everyone switches up bowls but she is a terror about it. I'm really getting fed up with her. Recently, she pinned one of the Lamanchas to the fence and just nailed her several times before that poor doe could get away. Is this normal? All my does butt heads from time to time and there is even the occasional body hit...but with this doe it is all the time, over any little thing. I fear she will cause a pregnant doe to abort or kill someone else's kid eventually. If I interfere and she knows it is her I am pissed at, she sulks. Literally pouts. She wants to be herd queen but I think the 5 year old really is because the other does hate the mean one. Could any of this be due to the fact that she was a bottle baby? Perhaps not socialized well? Is she just a b*tch? Would y'all cull her? I am fixin' to (that's southern, for "preparing to") put her in the buck pen so my other does can have a break. Please help. I understand dominance behaviors, really I do (horses and dogs) but she seems a little over the top and I am really starting to dislike her.


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  • I also had a doe with this bad behavior. I sold her to someone who put her in with a two wethers and they said she got along with them fine. I personally was also afriad she would cause one of the other does to abort. I would cull her
  • I culled my Nubian for bad behavior like this... :(
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