Acquiring Famacha Cards?

Can someone tell me where to get Famacha Cards?

You know I was thinking, not only do I really want this personally, but this would be a smart thing to send home with buyers of our goats if they are not experienced enough to know this already. Considering  how serious the problem is, as far as the highest risk to the goats lives, it seems it would be the least we could do to try to help keep them healthy for a lifetime, to send this simply diagnostic tool to there new homes.

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  • Oh, see what I mean, that would be so awesome!

  • If anyone in Upstate New York is looking for certification, Cornell University is hosting a FAMACHA certification workshop as part of its annual Sheep & Goat Symposium next weekend (Oct. 27). There is also a full-day beginner workshop the day before (Oct. 26) that features hands-on hoof trimming, tattooing, ear tagging, etc. It's terrific!

  • Thanks so much everyone. I've been checking out what I can find about Famacha Certification online and decided that I would love to find some workshops that I could go to in order to learn more things including Famacha. If anyone knows of anything down in the southeast that might be useful I would love to get a heads up on it please. Maybe I will get a chance to meet some of you at something like this one day. I am still trying to find out more about some shows. There just doesn't seem to be any near me, but I am going to talk with Mauree about where all they go to show. Perhaps I will just follow them to a few one day.

  • That one worked for me!! Thanks! :)

  • I posted it over, hopefully the link will work now.  Thanks for yours too Rachel :)  I'm going to save that one too.

  • The link Debbie shared didn't show me anything... so I googled again. lol This is the image I printed off.

  • Margaret here is a site to consider printing off a chart. Rachel is correct, in order to get an official one you have to be certified.

    I know in our area the Famacha certification comes around once a year.

  • I googled and printed off line... I think you have to get certified to get an official one.

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