Aborted/premature babies

This is not me but someone in another group.  I recall someone here talked about something similar and it was a water issue with minerals correcting.  What do you remember?


I had a doe have premature babies a week or so ago. Some of yall may remember cause I posted here about it. Well I just went to feed my goats and put them up for the night and there were dead babies everywhere! 4 females clearly as premature as the others if not more so. I don't understand why this is happening! When I was feeding them this morning I noticed my alpha doe is being ugly and butting the others around the food but it wasn't hard... maybe she's not being that aggressive cause I'm standing there? I have a closed herd... to my knowledge they can just spontaneously contract an std. I can't send the dead kids off to be tested because it's just too expensive. I have 2 pg does left...the alpha and one that throws quads every year. I'm gonna be so heartbroken if they all die too.


As you can imagine she is heartbroken and cannot stop crying.

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  • I'm sorry to hear about your goat babies. Do you have an update from the vet?

    hollis said:
    I will post more when the vet leaves tomorrow. Funny after I got a hold of that vet another one called me back. He treats goats also. I explained everything and he agreed with the first dr. He also add that because texas has been strained with the drought and they're seeing a lot of stuff come back they haven't seen in 20yrs.
  • I will post more when the vet leaves tomorrow. Funny after I got a hold of that vet another one called me back. He treats goats also. I explained everything and he agreed with the first dr. He also add that because texas has been strained with the drought and they're seeing a lot of stuff come back they haven't seen in 20yrs.
  • Cattle can have Johnes, which can stay in the soil for up to five years. It is spread in manure. It doesn't usually cause miscarriages though. If your goats start losing weight, then you should probably test for Johnes, as it is a wasting disease.

    Glad to hear the vet is coming out, although I've never heard of hog worms causing miscarriages either. Actually I've never heard of any kind of worms causing miscarriages.

  • There were cows only. It was leased to a man to run his cows on but no one has ever lived here. I finally got a hold of a vet that sees goats and he's coming out tomorrow! He had me do some things while he was on the phone and he says he thinks it's worms from the wild hogs on the property which takes a whole different wormer. He has hope for the unborn babies so I'm praying.
  • Welcome to the group, but sorry to hear about your losses. We used to have problems like that . When did you move? It could be something about your new place. We had a copper deficiency problem because of sulfur in our well water. Was there livestock on this farm in the last five years before you moved there?

  • Thank you everyone. With all the prayers surely some good will come out of this. I just want to say I am a responsible goat person. I love them and spoil them rotten. We are always so excited about kidding and have never had issues. We moved and all hell has broke loose. It's been one thing after another. Honestly last night we were seriously discussing getting rid of the goats and doing something else for our ag exemption.
  • I'm so sorry to hear about what you're going through.  I don't have any advice, but just wanted to say my prayers are with you.  I hope and pray that you can figure out what's doing on soon, and that it can be fixed.  Hugs to you and your girls.

  • I'm so sorry for your losses, Hollis!!

  • Hello... I'm the one Glenna posted for. I had two does give birth to premature live babies about a week apart. I don't have any cats but I live in the country and who knows what's out there. We are battling a cougar killing our chickens. We've never had problems before so it's hard when this happened. The babies were about 47 to 56 days early. Neither doe showed any signs of being sick or being close to labor. Nothing .
  • Yes, copper deficiency can cause miscarriages. However, if she has more than one within a day or two, that's probably something bacterial or viral, such as toxoplasmosis, which is carried by cats. I went to the ADGA conference a few years ago, and there was a woman who spoke about kidding difficulties. A few years earlier she had lost every single kid in an abortion storm because she had brought in some new barn cats, which gave all of her goats toxoplasmosis, and they all aborted. So, she had a LOT of kidding problems with all of those dead kids needing to be born. She had 15 does that aborted.

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