This is our first doeling. So I really dont know what to look for with their health. We have had her for about a week now. She is 9 weeks old. I have her with two - two year old does that she has never been with before. They are working out the herd order - obviously she is on the bottom.
My concern is that she seems off. Most of the time she has her tail down and just meanders around. She eats fine and her droppings seem normal.
With my does, I know if their tails are down this much that something is wrong.
Any advice? Am I just over worried and she is just adapting to her new surroundings?
They bump her away from the hay at first until they get their fill. Then she gets in after them. She is learning to squeeze in though too.
I have just installed a hay rack to get the hay out of that white barrel bottom. That has seemed to help get her get more access to it too.
Of course, you can't tell everything from a picture, but she looks pretty good, maybe just a bit shy. Is she getting enough to eat? Looks like the bigger girls are maybe keeping her away from the food.
Here is a picture of her. She is obviously the small one in the back.
Is her back hunched up like a camel with her four feet very close together? That's the posture of a sick and/or chilled kid.
I agree! My "lowest doe" often has that posture too, especially after being chased away from the hay. I think of it a bit like a dog being scolded. :) Hopefully that's all it is.
Thats what I was hoping. Thanks!
I personally have never had a connection with a tail being held down, and illness. At least not as an only symptom. If she is eating and drinking fine, she might just be feeling her "place" in the herd, and resorting to being a bit timid.