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COWP dose for kids

Looking through archives I've found several dosing recommendations for different weight ranges, the lowest being 1 gram per 20# body weight. What about kids (presently 2 wks old)? Doe has signs of deficiency, but also want to use for parasite control

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Views: 144


Hi All!

After this group kept coming up in searches I finally joined and I'm excited to be a part of it! I currently have 2 ND does (1 senior and 1 FF), 1 ND wether and 4 ND kids (3 doelings and a buckling). All of them are from Castle Rock stock.


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4 Replies
Views: 165

Time has come - help!

So Cocoa has been moved to the new shed this morning, as she started having discharge.  How long do these things typically take?  She did eat her alfalfa pellets after she calmed down, being separated from the others and all.  Also, I do have molasse

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4 Replies
Views: 120

Question about CL. :(

I'm a first time ND goat owner.  We bought 2 goats from different farms in November and one kidded with twin doelings last Sunday.  The other goat came from a small home herd that had recently acquired a Nubian goat.  The goat I bought and the Nubian

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10 Replies
Views: 226