My Corid just arrived, so much for speedy delivery huh, and I was looking at the bottle trying to figure out the math for dosing. I want to be sure I get it right as the directions are a little confusing.
We had our first kidding almost 3 weeks ago (2 bucklings and a doeling) and it went really well! We disbudded on day 3 (or 4?). I wanted to do a third go around on each bud but my husband stopped me - he was really concerned about brain damage, etc.
One of my kids, just over 2 months old now, woke with a runny hind end this morning and I'm wondering what type of action I should take. She is a bottle baby and came here with mom. I've kept her with mom and I think she may still try to nurse thou
My Patches, 2 years old, just had her first kidding on the 4th of July. 3 came out well, and the last came out dead with placenta. She is a first time mom. Kids are not thriving, very sleepy, not seeming to eat much. They are pooping, bright yellow.
I just posted about my rather traumatic introduction to goat keeping and what's happening now, but the gist of my situation is that I acquired two nine week old wethers last Saturday, after 30 years (yes, that's right, 30 years) of dreaming about hav
Where do I start since I have posted so infrequently? Summer, my junior doe, had her babies late on April 4th, barely making it before midnight. She had triplets, all does, with the middle one again being brown and white spotted (I say pinto<g>).
I'd like some ideas please....we've been keeping our goats in pens but this year we would like to let them graze the pasture so we don't have to brush hog. Our pasture is 4 strand barb wire ; we have horses. What wud the most effective and economic
Over the past two weeks my goat have gotten increasingly louder. It first started with them just making more sounds in anticipation of going in for the night and coming out in the morning. Now just in the past 4 days they have moved up to SCREAMING a
Cookie (brown and white) and Oreo (black and white) were born 5/9/2014. Cookie is disbudded, Oreo is polled. They are both friendly and have been handled since birth. These girls are the result of an "oops" breeding and have two possible sires. Beca
Has anyone here used Pyrantel Paste (labeled for horses)? A guy in one of my FB groups is recommending it as a good dewormer, but I don't really know anything about it nor could I find much in the forum. Has anyone else used it? Would you triple t
I am working on our farm plans and want to incorporate producing all of our goats food here on site. I am finding it really difficult to get any solid figures on how much of what per day.
How much hay per day? I free choice right now but if it was p
I know what some say about in-breeding/line-breeding (if it works, it's line-breeding, if it doesn't it's in-breeding). That said, I want to know if it's too close to breed my doeling from one doe to her 1/2 brother from another doe (same sire)? Woul
Hi all, I've been making chevre since last fall and it has been wonderful. I've been making it raw and had no problems but this season with different goats and culture ordered from the same source (new batch) from after 3 ba
Please help! I noticed diarrhea in my 6 week old buckling this morning and immediately gave him 3cc's of DiMethox 12.5% for coccidia. Tonight he has mucus-like diarrhea and I'm thinking he should already have relief from it from the dose this morning
I found her this morning with a gash in the middle of her side. It's fairly shallow, but as long as my thumb and somewhat wider. All the skin is gone, so it's open.
I have no idea what happened. Everybody else is fine.
Little off topic but.... Anybody know if left over whey is a good source of calcium? I am thinking it could be a foliar spray for dealing with blossom end rot if so.
Our doe recently had three kids, and we are wanting to milk her. We've done some research and asked some questions, and based on our family, we feel it'd be best to milk once a day. Our plan is to separate the doe and kids during the day, let her udd
I'm SO excited that milking is getting easier for me. My does are being reasonable - as long as there is food involved. Amazing how they can control the milk - food ends - I can't get anymore milk to come out!