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We had our first kidding almost 3 weeks ago (2 bucklings and a doeling) and it went really well! We disbudded on day 3 (or 4?). I wanted to do a third go around on each bud but my husband stopped me - he was really concerned about brain damage, etc.

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4 Replies
Views: 168

Weak kids

My Patches, 2 years old, just had her first kidding on the 4th of July. 3 came out well, and the last came out dead with placenta. She is a first time mom. Kids are not thriving, very sleepy, not seeming to eat much. They are pooping, bright yellow.

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11 Replies
Views: 201

pasture fencing

I'd like some ideas please....we've been keeping our goats in pens but this year we would like to let them graze the pasture so we don't have to brush hog.  Our pasture is 4 strand barb wire ; we have horses.  What wud the most effective and economic

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13 Replies
Views: 603

How much food per day?

I am working on our farm plans and want to incorporate producing all of our goats food here on site. I am finding it really difficult to get any solid figures on how much of what per day.

How much hay per day? I free choice right now but if it was p

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6 Replies
Views: 382