Hello all my fellow goatie people!! I have a question about my new doe Sabrina ( who I still have to post a picture of!) I wormed her 5 weeks ago with Ivomec Plus cattle injectable at 1cc per 25#. Had a fecal sample run on her last week before introducing her to my herd, and the vet said there was not a single egg! He even ran it twice because he said that rarely does he see nothing. I had her in a movable pen during quarantine and I believe that helped a lot. I just looked at her eyelids this morning and they are very light pink. I was a bit shocked actually. She is eating, is in good weight and acting very happy and healthy. Any ideas?? Should I deworm again?
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I am so happy for you, and the goaties! Keep up the good work.
Yay on the improved condition!
As for the herd queen ... you can't be out there 24/7, so it's good that you know how they interact. There is no changing personality or herd dynamics, so you just do whatever you need to do to make sure everyone gets what they need. I used to have a la mancha that would have a whole hay feeder to herself if she was with the herd, so I tried to keep her separate as much as possible. She was very mean to the other goats, including her sister.
Kirsten Lowe said:
Well Everyone, her eyelids are red! She is eating well, and doing great, and so is her baby girl. One dose of Panacur did it I guess.
My herd queen is EEEEEEVILLL! She is not nice at all! She is still chasing, bitting, and butting the heck out of Sabrina, and Brynja. I separate them for grain , and also make sure I have hay and water in a bunch of different places. They also sleep with a combo panel divider. Am I prolonging this activity? Not sure I have a choice :(
Wish I could Lori. Up in your area is where I found some Spanish goats that I wanted last spring. But, I had to pass on them in order to get all my doelings out of New Mexico here. Hopefully I will be able to get some in 2013 or 14. I really want to get started with them also.
Kirsten, I wouldn't worry about waiting til she grows, she will soon learn that Eleanor is the Queen. After all it is normal for them to butt each other around and bicker a little, that is how they figure out who is their Queen and we can't do anything about that since it is their choice we can only hope the others don't challenge our Queen much so they can live in peace. Eleanor is going to affirm her position eventually, you might as well get it over with.
I simply love it when I have a nice Queen, or Leader of the pack with the dogs, (oh and the chickens, they are the worst) etc. It makes life so much easier when things are run by someone kind, who takes it easy as long as everyone behaves and only asserts themselves if someone is real out of line.
Very lucky with my dogs right now, had a Rat terrier named Tiny (passed away many years ago)who ran things for years with a firm but loving paw and finally lost her but her daughter Joy who is a little up in age herself now, still pops up out of no where when someone in the pack acts stupid and puts everyone back in line. Then she retires to her favorite resting spot and you hardly notice she is there til the next time.
Same with my goats now. You have to really watch close to figure out their herd order, until something goes wrong. They get along very well. The key seems to be having a bunch of happy little goats who don't care about being the boss. I suppose it's just all in the personality.
How is the eyelid color now?
I live in Va, wanna come see my goats? :)
I am so happy you are going to Polyface, I am sure it will be awesome. I have never heard of it but just looked it up after seeing this. We live near a huge farm/tour/ field trip etc. type operation ourselves. You all should take a look at their site. Seward Farms is all you have to google to find it, it is located in Lucedale, Ms. which is about 20 mins. from us. It is an amazing place to spend the day with kids. Huge operation of old family farmers that mostly raised corn as a cash crop and feed for cattle. These happen to be the same folks that my hubby hauled cattle for for years. So if I ever help him get a small livestock transport business off the ground and ya'll wonder about his experience, you see he hauled in a large way! LOL! Anyways, it is just a super thing, worth looking over. I personally favor riding the cow train and watching the piglets race for oreos to the corn maze.YES, I got very lost in there!
Polyface Farm? Oh, you are so lucky!
I am very excited! I have read many of his books, and look forward to seeing the farm in action!
Sabrina is a pretty little doe, with a sweet personality. I want to get some weight on her as soon as possible. Any suggestions?? She eats in her stall so she won't be bothered by the queen, Eleanor! I just put everyone together a few days ago, and there has been some chasing, and head butting. Should I separate them again until Sabrina is bigger? There are water buckets and hay racks in several different areas so she can eat in peace. Just wondering if there is something more I should do??
Her body condition looks good in the photo. She doesn't look like a goat with worms.
If there is a little COWP left in the dish, I just sprinkle a few bits of grain on it. When they lick up the grain, they get the last of the copper with it.
How exciting that you'll get to visit Polyface next month! That will be awesome!
I will be in Virginia next month to tour Polyface Farm in Swoope, VA. The Harvest Heritage Festival sounds very cool! I gave her 1.5grams of COWP today top dressed on her grain. She ate most of it but, there was a little left in the dish. I finally have a picture of her and her baby. I have others but this one is from two feet away in her stall.
Sabrina and Brynja.jpg