We're waiting on Ginger to kid in a week, but I also had a doeling reserved with my goat dealer. We got to bring her home on Sunday!! She sat with Macs on the ride home... she misses her mommy, but today she's at least being allowed to lay with the other two goats. :) I chose to bring her home before Ginger kids because I know that Ginger will be protective of her kids for a few days, and I wanted to give Lucy a chance to be settled in at least a little before she had to deal with that. Plus, I hope that she and Harriet will be bonded enough that the separation of Harriet from Ginger won't be so rough on Harriet. At any rate. Photos around!! lol

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  • lol My goal herd is 4-5 does and a wether.
  • Congratulations! Probably 90% of us goat people originally said we just wanted a couple of goats for _______. That was me nine years ago! Originally I could blame the growing herd on my daughters, because they could never agree on which goats to sell. However, now I have no one to blame but myself.
  • lol Thanks, Jackie!! Novella Carpenter makes a mention in her book about rabbits being a "gateway" animal. lol My hubs is a sheriff's deputy, so it just cracks me up. :)
  • Congratulations! Very cute. And as pursuant to the norm, I LOL'd at the "goat dealer"!


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