I looked right after they were born, or thought I did. When I dipped the cords, someone held them while I had the betadine in the palm of my gloved hand and just put it against their little tummy, didn't look then either.
Yes D6 is the keeping one. I think I like her coloring as it reminds me of an Indian Paint horse (even if she does have three colors rather than two). Maybe I'll give her an Indian name like Cherokee though I usually pick two-syllable names as they carry better for calling. Tobiano is too long. Pawnee might work and is two syllables but not sure how well it carries. VanEden Pawnee Legend or VanEden Summers Pawnee Legend or VanEden Pawnee Summer Legend. (Now if Crazy were her dad, she could be VanEden Crazy Pawnee Summer. <g>)
I sure wish I could keep the little black buckling. He is absolutely black except for the white markings on his head and the cutest little white tip on his tail; it is especially cute when he hops around. If he didn't have such incredible milking lineage, I might wether him and keep him but he needs to be a herd sire and father fantastic babies.
So now that you have realized that your exhaustion and stress caused you to make a mistake (or 2) tell us which are really boys. Are D5 and D7 bucklings and D6 is the doe you will keep? I hope that is right, because like Deborah said, she really is flashy! I like her!
Video of the triplets, largely unedited. Honest, I will post some later that is a bit better. However, I have family pushing to have video and, as you know, it's been a bit rough this past week and I am still in recovery mode. I am anxious to be able to just enjoy these little sweeties and their cousins - I think they are cousins; they are Capri's grandchildren so I guess Capri's kids are their aunt and uncle. Obviously, I am going to have to sort this out on paper. <g>
This must be why I was told if the first one was born breach that I shouldn't worry about the others as they would be born without any trouble - someone assumed the big ones are first. Whatever might happen another time, I made a horrible mistake that cost two sweet bucklings their lives and Capri a lot of avoidable pain as well as another having a more traumatic entry into life though I'm sure the first one was as well but that one would not have been avoidable.
That is how Summer was, no noise at all with the first one. If I had not gone back in (thank you, Ginger, for the racket), I would not have even known she was giving birth. I am so very grateful that all went so very good with Summer and her babies. They are quite the handful for her. (Handful is not the accurate term, but what is?)
I really wish this was the norm, but it's not. There are a lot of times when the biggest is born first. Then the doe hardly notices a little one pop out. It can be quite the surprise when you're with a doe that hardly makes a noise and then PLOP, there's another kid!
Glenna Rose said:
Summer's babies were born in the order of size with the littlest one first. It appeared that Capri's were as well; each one out was so bigger than the one before. Is it typical for the smallest to be born first?
Patty, like you and all of us, I also hope the hard parts don't happen too often, hopefully never again. I must be honest that if this had happened last year, I would have been done. Though I had not intended for Capri and Summer to be bred so closely, I am very glad it worked out that way and that Summer had such an easy time and is doing so well. Truthfully, I may not be completely comfortable that all is well with Capri and her babies until they are a month old or more. If Ginger had been in heat a week ago and I had her bred, I would have been even more stressed it that were possible. I am so very grateful for Summer's easy birth and healthy kids.
Margaret, if you would like, you can email me your pictures and I'll fix them similar to that for you.
Summer's babies were born in the order of size with the littlest one first. It appeared that Capri's were as well; each one out was so bigger than the one before. Is it typical for the smallest to be born first?
I am finally being able to enjoy these lively bundles of joy. When I came home at lunchtime to check on them, it would have been soooo easy to stay home! This next week I am putting a temporary pen where I can watch them out my kitchen window. Their regular pen is between the garage and attached patio and the alley so I don't see them unless I am out there which stinks. I have some vinyl lathe trellises that I cut in half (from 4-ft width to 2-ft) for my garden years ago to keep my dog out of it and have it still be attractive. I fastened 2-foot lengths of white PVC pipe to the backside of them, then cut aluminum conduit to 3-foot lengths and used those to "fasten" the fence to the ground. It was attractive and very portable and easy to step over. Of course, it will not keep moms in place but these early days, they are staying very close anyway.
That little buckling is so pretty and truly awfully cute. It's a shame I will not be able to keep him; of course that is how I feel about *all* of them! If I were on a farm, I would be looking for two or maybe three yearling does to breed him to later. Please don't laugh, but my pretend horse when I was in primary school was black with a white forehead; his name was Diablo which is what I would name this little guy if I could keep him. He needs to be a sire, not a wether so keeping him is not even a possibility. But . . . I have four doelings, some of which I can keep but I want to keep my three adults as well. Dilemma to not worry about now, just enjoy these little ones!
I just love the way you set up the pics! Wish I knew how to do that for when the time comes! I love being able to look at orderly photos for comparisons. I can not imagine how excited you are! I can't wait for lots of kids!
D-2 is such a cutie. Oh I wish I was on our farm already, I would love to take him. We are heading to Nova Scotia in September.
We just named a lamb Winnebago, and we're calling her Winnie. :)
I looked right after they were born, or thought I did. When I dipped the cords, someone held them while I had the betadine in the palm of my gloved hand and just put it against their little tummy, didn't look then either.
Yes D6 is the keeping one. I think I like her coloring as it reminds me of an Indian Paint horse (even if she does have three colors rather than two). Maybe I'll give her an Indian name like Cherokee though I usually pick two-syllable names as they carry better for calling. Tobiano is too long. Pawnee might work and is two syllables but not sure how well it carries. VanEden Pawnee Legend or VanEden Summers Pawnee Legend or VanEden Pawnee Summer Legend. (Now if Crazy were her dad, she could be VanEden Crazy Pawnee Summer. <g>)
So now that you have realized that your exhaustion and stress caused you to make a mistake (or 2) tell us which are really boys. Are D5 and D7 bucklings and D6 is the doe you will keep? I hope that is right, because like Deborah said, she really is flashy! I like her!
Video of the triplets, largely unedited. Honest, I will post some later that is a bit better. However, I have family pushing to have video and, as you know, it's been a bit rough this past week and I am still in recovery mode. I am anxious to be able to just enjoy these little sweeties and their cousins - I think they are cousins; they are Capri's grandchildren so I guess Capri's kids are their aunt and uncle. Obviously, I am going to have to sort this out on paper. <g>
This must be why I was told if the first one was born breach that I shouldn't worry about the others as they would be born without any trouble - someone assumed the big ones are first. Whatever might happen another time, I made a horrible mistake that cost two sweet bucklings their lives and Capri a lot of avoidable pain as well as another having a more traumatic entry into life though I'm sure the first one was as well but that one would not have been avoidable.
That is how Summer was, no noise at all with the first one. If I had not gone back in (thank you, Ginger, for the racket), I would not have even known she was giving birth. I am so very grateful that all went so very good with Summer and her babies. They are quite the handful for her. (Handful is not the accurate term, but what is?)
I really wish this was the norm, but it's not. There are a lot of times when the biggest is born first. Then the doe hardly notices a little one pop out. It can be quite the surprise when you're with a doe that hardly makes a noise and then PLOP, there's another kid!
Glenna Rose said:
Congrats!! Super cute :0)
Patty, like you and all of us, I also hope the hard parts don't happen too often, hopefully never again. I must be honest that if this had happened last year, I would have been done. Though I had not intended for Capri and Summer to be bred so closely, I am very glad it worked out that way and that Summer had such an easy time and is doing so well. Truthfully, I may not be completely comfortable that all is well with Capri and her babies until they are a month old or more. If Ginger had been in heat a week ago and I had her bred, I would have been even more stressed it that were possible. I am so very grateful for Summer's easy birth and healthy kids.
Margaret, if you would like, you can email me your pictures and I'll fix them similar to that for you.
Summer's babies were born in the order of size with the littlest one first. It appeared that Capri's were as well; each one out was so bigger than the one before. Is it typical for the smallest to be born first?
I am finally being able to enjoy these lively bundles of joy. When I came home at lunchtime to check on them, it would have been soooo easy to stay home! This next week I am putting a temporary pen where I can watch them out my kitchen window. Their regular pen is between the garage and attached patio and the alley so I don't see them unless I am out there which stinks. I have some vinyl lathe trellises that I cut in half (from 4-ft width to 2-ft) for my garden years ago to keep my dog out of it and have it still be attractive. I fastened 2-foot lengths of white PVC pipe to the backside of them, then cut aluminum conduit to 3-foot lengths and used those to "fasten" the fence to the ground. It was attractive and very portable and easy to step over. Of course, it will not keep moms in place but these early days, they are staying very close anyway.
That little buckling is so pretty and truly awfully cute. It's a shame I will not be able to keep him; of course that is how I feel about *all* of them! If I were on a farm, I would be looking for two or maybe three yearling does to breed him to later. Please don't laugh, but my pretend horse when I was in primary school was black with a white forehead; his name was Diablo which is what I would name this little guy if I could keep him. He needs to be a sire, not a wether so keeping him is not even a possibility. But . . . I have four doelings, some of which I can keep but I want to keep my three adults as well. Dilemma to not worry about now, just enjoy these little ones!
I just love the way you set up the pics! Wish I knew how to do that for when the time comes! I love being able to look at orderly photos for comparisons. I can not imagine how excited you are! I can't wait for lots of kids!