I just bought a baby nigerian so it will b a while b4 I breed her but I wanted to see if anybody has bred there goats with AI. If it would b similar to regular size goats. We have bred our boer goats with AI and have had success. Where I might b able to get semen and prices. Thank u!
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I would love to watch a detailed video on how to do this. Last year I looked into the equipment but wasnt sure what all to get. I also understand that you need to maintain the tank temperature wise and there is some expense to that. Not sure if its economical for my small herd or not. My vet doesnt offer AI for goats so there isnt anyone yet that can show me.
I am interested in trying AI, but I want to have a vet do it so I can learn. Do you need the tank and all the equipment, or can you have it shipped to your vet? Anyone know?
My mom and I bred our boers last year. AI procedure in goats is a lot different then cows, I've done both. With the goats we sync'd the does to come Into heat at the same time one came in heat early we just put her with our buck. We had one that didnt come in at all but the other ones u have to watch very close and breed them when the time is just right.(we had to check some of them often) we bred 6 does and 2 were pregnant and each had a set of twins. we were pleased with this as the semen that we used was slight premature. It is a lot about timing we used cidrs to sync them along with hormone shots they have to b given at a certain time so they come In when u want them to. My mom purchased the equiptment I'm not sure on price but aside from the syncing and semen everything else can b reused I think mom got the equipment from jeffers. I. Took a class In college that showed me how to breed goats and mom signed up for a class thru the local extension.
Aside from the timing it wasn't that hard, I thought. We. Didnt have any problems reproduction. wise with the does we bred if they werent pregnant we put them with the buck and they bred. We are planning on doing It again when we can find the time :)
Is it hard to do this? Or easy to hurt the does or dangerous in any way or is the hardest part picking the right time to do the procedures? Is it expensive to get set up with the equipment!
I know my sister has a vet or maybe it is some old farmer "?" that comes out to do there cows! He could probably do or teach me how to do goats!
Super Semenworks has ND sperm. I've known quite a few people who use them to collect from their bucks. If you contact them, I'm sure they can tell you if you can use the same equipment. I looked into AI a few years ago, and I didn't see any of the equipment marked in different sizes.
Thank u! I looked online a little last night and found some reasonable prices on some nicelooking bucks. I. would assume It would b the same as anything and better the animal the more it cost. I really wanna make sure the same equpitment that we used for breediny the boer can b interchanged with ND due to there small size. Thanks.
I don't know much about this, but since no one else has chimed in yet, until they do, I will tell you this much. I assume that if you can do the boers then you probably can do the NDs too, cause, yes they can be done. I have seen a number of places that have semen available. I don't think it is very expensive, at least at some places. I don't know what are good prices or what it averages or anything like that but I remember seeing some prices and thinking that it was pretty cheap. Hope that helps a little til someone with experience can be more specific!
They had an AI clinic at the ADGA conference last year. The schedule is not out yet for this year's conference, but it will be in Idaho in October.
I would love to watch a detailed video on how to do this. Last year I looked into the equipment but wasnt sure what all to get. I also understand that you need to maintain the tank temperature wise and there is some expense to that. Not sure if its economical for my small herd or not. My vet doesnt offer AI for goats so there isnt anyone yet that can show me.
I am interested in trying AI, but I want to have a vet do it so I can learn. Do you need the tank and all the equipment, or can you have it shipped to your vet? Anyone know?
Aside from the timing it wasn't that hard, I thought. We. Didnt have any problems reproduction. wise with the does we bred if they werent pregnant we put them with the buck and they bred. We are planning on doing It again when we can find the time :)
Is it hard to do this? Or easy to hurt the does or dangerous in any way or is the hardest part picking the right time to do the procedures? Is it expensive to get set up with the equipment!
I know my sister has a vet or maybe it is some old farmer "?" that comes out to do there cows! He could probably do or teach me how to do goats!
Super Semenworks has ND sperm. I've known quite a few people who use them to collect from their bucks. If you contact them, I'm sure they can tell you if you can use the same equipment. I looked into AI a few years ago, and I didn't see any of the equipment marked in different sizes.
I don't know much about this, but since no one else has chimed in yet, until they do, I will tell you this much. I assume that if you can do the boers then you probably can do the NDs too, cause, yes they can be done. I have seen a number of places that have semen available. I don't think it is very expensive, at least at some places. I don't know what are good prices or what it averages or anything like that but I remember seeing some prices and thinking that it was pretty cheap. Hope that helps a little til someone with experience can be more specific!