So, a little off-topic for goats, but I though maybe someone might have some ideas.
My border collie managed to get into the barn through the cat door and attacked my 4 week old turkey poults. They're all still alive at the moment (6 of them). If they manage to survive the stress I'm concerned about fly-strike. Any ideas as to what I could use on the wounds that would deter flies? Would Blu-Coat work?
I got to the feed store before I read Deborah's response and did end up going with Blu-Kote plus a fly repelling ointment. I now have purple turkeys. At least they're all still alive. They're a basic broad-breasted meat bird and have already grown quite a bit and can flap up to roost on things (or at least they could before Jubilee tried to pluck them) so I think I'll try to keep them out of the house for now, but if the flies don't stay away then I'll do it.
We had a coyote attack a turkey mama once, and then lucky for her, the llamas chased him off. But she did wind up with fly strike. Do NOT put anything on the wounds that is toxic to birds. Learned that one the had way! We put Catron on it, and as the maggots were dieing and falling off, the baby poults were eating them, and all of the poults died. :( I felt absolutely horrible! So, my daughter did an experiment with chicken wings. She sprinkled one with DE and sprayed one with the Shaklee Basic H soap-water solution, and she had a control wing with nothing on it. The control wing had maggots within 24 hours, but neither of the other two got maggots. She sprinkled DE on the maggots that hatched on the wing that previously had nothing on it, and the maggots died. So, soapy water or DE should work. We have not had the opportunity to try this on a live bird yet (thank goodness!) but it worked with raw chicken wings.