My poor girls are suffering with the idiots setting off fireworks. Though it is not legal to even use them yet, people are setting off the noisy ones, getting worse as it gets closer to the 4th. These are less than half a block from them so they are especially loud to sensitive ears. It might seem a bit worse for Ginger since she is in the crate and cannot scoot up close to mom. I have closed their door tonight to help a bit and am dreading Wednesday evening/night. They are not crying but are obviously distressed. I sat out there with them for quite a while this evening but cannot anticipate when they are going off so cannot be there the entire time.
I am actually considering bringing them into the bathroom Wednesday night until it is all over and dealing with the mess. They will still hear them but perhaps it won't be so loud.
Suggestions anyone?
Sorry, wish I could think of something better but all I can think of is maybe put a big piece of something like cotton in there ear and wrap it with vet wrap if they will keep it on their head for a while. I simply don't know that is why fireworks are on my list of things that one could do at kidding time to help them get use to the sound. Because I hate seeing animals and babies stress over them especially when you know they don't understand. Makes you wish you could explain and then put ear muffs on them. Poor Babies! Guess I need to do bottle-rockets once a month or something just so every one is use to them a little before holidays come. Because I am not in town and there are lots of fireworks around here!