Stange Pinkish substance in poo

My three year old doe passed a pink, slimy looking "thing" in her berries this morning.  It had small yellow looking seed like  things all around it.  My first guess is worms.  So since I have owned goats for one week, and have NO experience with these things I am a bit freaked out.

She is eating and drinking normally, and has plenty of get up and go.  She was wormed with Ivomec, and positive pellets in May.  Her eyelid color looks pink, but light not dark.  Any advice would be great!

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  • I wish I could have taken a picture. I did not have my phone with me, and by the time I was back in the house it was down pouring again. Has been very wet for three days, but we do need it. I looked for more around the barn today, but nothing??

  • That's what I've been thinking. Photos help so much. Everybody needs to TRY to have a way to take photos and post them. If nothing else, don't forget that IF you have a cell phone that takes photos, especially if you have it out with you when feeding can easily snap and email them to yourself. Then you can post them for us to see. I am really curious about this one. I would love to know what is pink and yellow and in goat poo. It just sounds far out.

  • Doesn't sound pregnant if she freshened in May.  If it happens again photograph it.

  • Possibly, again I have only had her for one week.  She freshened in May with a single buckling.  No problems at all.  The pink substance was on the grass and it looked about the size of a nickle, but irregular in shape.  She looks great, and is acting well, so I guess it will remain a mystery.

  • Is there any way she could have been bred? Could she have aborted?

  • She is acting very healthy.  So for now I am not going to worry.  Thanks for the reply.  Being new to this, I feel like I am over analyzing everything.  I noticed this morning she does seem as though she is in heat. Lots of tail wagging, sticky hair, and very vocal.  Maybe there is a link there?

    Deborah Niemann-Boehle said:

    Hmm ... pink and yellow would not be worms. The only worms you usually see in poop are tape worms, and they are white. Could she have eaten something that passed through without being digested? Something plastic maybe? Since the two different colored things are two different shapes, it sounds like something she ate that was not really food. At least, I've never seen anything pink or yellow in goat poop.

  • Hmm ... pink and yellow would not be worms. The only worms you usually see in poop are tape worms, and they are white. Could she have eaten something that passed through without being digested? Something plastic maybe? Since the two different colored things are two different shapes, it sounds like something she ate that was not really food. At least, I've never seen anything pink or yellow in goat poop.

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