She is not doing well. She does not suck and mom isn't really interested in her. She is three days old. I gave her coffee and pedialite yesterday. She probably took less than an ounce. Then I took her temp . 100.1. I warmed her with rice bags in her basket and took her temp again later...101.4. A little later I used a syringe and gave her milk (her momma's) and she took a small amount. Fed her off and on all afternoon. She stands but her head is down and she is hunched. Last night I put her in a large dog kennel (covered with blankets) with her Momma when I could not soothe her. She was still alive this morning but thin and a little cold. More rice bag therapy and then some milk by syringe. She bleats and she walks around with her head down. Not at all energetic. Gave her an enema...a lttle yellow poop then water. Hmmm. She falls asleep standing easily. Gave her milk..about an ounce early this AM and then later a bit of molasses water. Now she is sleeping with rice bags. Our local vet is useless. I am also far from grain/goat med store. (actualy 40 minutes from any store).
What can I try next?
She's beautiful, and I'm so glad to hear she's doing better.I keep some of the colostrum paste in my kidding kit, and have some frozen colostrum in my freezer with frozen milk. I didn't think I'd need it, but one doeling was a bit chilled this year. She's 2 months old now, and this one runs and plays until her tongue hangs out the side. Too funny!
I'm with you Margaret! Lovely day, the goats (and horses) are pasturing while I plant 100 strawberry plants, but the waft of honeysuckle is so soothing! God is everywhere! Why didn't I start this homesteading about 30 years ago?
Amen Again! I told you it does work, doesn't it? I think Serafina looks like a little Cherub anyway! So happy to here your calf story! We had that happen with a single buckling once that I had to go in after and I also had a gorgeous triplet boar doeling once that the breeder gave me because she was paralyzed. They both did great especially after my husband handled them. My sister has been a pediatric nurse for about 35 years and says that stressful delivery can cause that paralasis. Yippee! It's a beautiful morning here. Sittin' on porch, done feeding, smell honeysuckles, love that smell, reading your herd praises, Ain't life great? Ain't God great? Y'all have a GREAT DAY!
Robin Arthun said:
I'm praying for your little one too! This spring, we had a crippled calf that couldn't nurse by himself--he was gigantic and it was a big ordeal. My husband and I laid hands on him and prayed for Jesus to heal him. When we went out to the barn for the next feeding, he was standing up and nursing himself!!!
Oh, what a beautiful pair. They look sooo sweet together. It makes me so anxious for my babies to arrive.
Wonderful news, indeed! And, what a special photo of mama and baby reunited. Here's hoping each new day greets her with growing strength and health. What an accomplishment for you - congratulations! Jennifer
Hej from Sweden !
What a beautiful mamma goat and little Serafina is just precious! It looks like she will be fine! I am so happy for that!
I took her out today for a brief meeting with her mama. Mama licked her and followed her. Then it started to rain so I brought her back inside.
So glad she is improving!! Praying for complete healing for this little fighter!!
Hej from Sweden !
I am glad to hear that your little baby is doing better. I am also glad that you have started tube feeding. I hope she continues to get better!