
  • Thanks for the replies. I see now it is a choice. 

  • There is no point in pasteurizing milk before making soap because the heat of the soapmaking process pasteurizes the milk -- just like boiling pudding or cream soups pasteurizes the milk, so there is no need to do so beforehand. Milk does need to be frozen when making soap though, or you'll wind up with a scary mess. Complete soapmaking directions are in my goat book and Homegrown and Handmade, if you have either of them.
  • All things I share with others, I pasteurize the milk so will with soap also when I start making that.  For me, part of the reason is that our state law prohibits the "transfer" of raw milk, and it also addresses any concerns anyone might potentially have with raw milk (and if *anything* were to make someone sick, it would be the milk that would be blamed!).  It's a bother to pasteurize to make yogurt and cheese (waiting for it to cool) but I don't have to keep track of what is and what is not.  However, until it's used for other things, it is raw in my fridge for my own drinking, etc.

  • I make hot process goat milk soap. I do not heat treat my raw milk before adding it to my soap

  • I am not a soap maker, but I don't believe you have to treat raw milk before you make soap. 

  • I fixed it for you. :) 

  • OK, not "ram milk" RAW milk! What a typo!

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