Question Ducks and Bucks

I have just gotten some Pekin Ducks.  I was wondering if anyone has any experience housing "male" pekin ducks with my Bucks.    Is it safe for the ducks?  Would the ducks get harmed when the Bucks are in rutt? I know the ducks are good pest control, but wonder if the ducks feces would harm the bucks?

I would put a large large hard plastic trash container (the kind the trash collector uses in the alley) with a hole just big enough for the ducks to get into and put their feed in it.  I don't think the bucks would be able to get in there to get the feed.  I would also tie the container to the fence, as I know the bucks are quite capable of moving the container if they want to.

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  • I hear ya....there has to be something on the other side .... i.e. doe in heat  LOL  I've seen my buck jump on a 3 foot pallet ledge and balance and them jump....  I played back my surviellence cam and saw him do it, I would have never believed it.

  • My goats would be able to jump a 6 foot fence if there was a "ladder" put up to it for them! lol 

  • Yes, it seems the bucks can only jump a 4 footer...I have a six footer..  I can keep the bin away from the fence.

  • I would add that your bucks will jump on top of the bin, and unless you have a seriously tall fence, they'd be able to jump out if you tied the bin to the fence. 

  • I understand.  I plan on having the females free range, yet I don't know how many males I will be having.  I know two for sure at this stage, the other 4 I don't know.  The drakes  will have access to about a 30ft x30ft area to roam.

  • I know the books say this. But what ducks can live with versus what they do better with and enjoy and what is natural for them is different. Pekins are often kept in groups and grazed on lands with no water- but mine (I had tufted pekins for a bit) were crazy for their water. And yes- they will eat insects but you don't want to create the problem by causing a wet moldy maggot area where they have their house under a dark confined space. But I don't mean to say this way and no else- try it and report. Think however about the poop being big, not going through mesh, the fact poultry forced to live on mesh have more foot issues and how you will feel once you like them. If for food and around for just a few months- might work. Let us know what you do. My personal goals is to maximize the animals health naturally and this includes their mental well being.
  • Okay, I have been reading and see on the backyardchickens...  the duck thread.  the Book I got said that ducks don't need water to swim in just to drink to help with their food.  I was going to put a 1/2" wire on 2x4's so the stuff gets down under.  I also learned that the ducks keep parasites, flies etc etc as pest control, ergo the thought of keeping with my bucks in the buck pen.

  • I have had bucks in rutt too- I don't worry about the ducks. But that area in the bin will be seriously disgusting daily because ducks take their food and dip it in the water and drip the water back into the food and then dabble the water in to the bedding. I understand the concept of the safe haven but it won't be safe for the ducks if it is disgusting plus could bring flies and such to the area. Making a duck house with a side area for their food in outside conditions on the ground with no bedding gives them a better chance of having a clean and dry area for rest, safe from goats area for eating and yet can go out and mingle with goats! Cashmere goat I'm using as a name of the type of goat although I know it has more to do with the hair. He is a wether. But was a buck and still has some buck behaviors. You will have to try it out but again- the ducks need to have an area to bath- bucket, pool or natural pond. They have issues with feather health and preening if they don't and the water helps keep them clean too.
  • No Judy I have never had ducks before.  I was concerned about them with bucks and when they also go into rutt,  not just "casmere goat".  Bucks are quite different esp with more than one.  I have a huge plastic trash container (3 foot round and about 15 inches high)  that I was going have as there "safe" feed  and sleep area where the bucks could not get into. 

  • Have you ever had ducks before? I adore ducks but they are horribly messy. However- I think it would work if they could be penned separately from the goats within the goat building. One key people told me which worked well was to keep ducks food and water outside, thus not making their indoor area all wet. Ducks need water while eating any grain and this can be not only disgusting but dangerous for the goats.

    So perhaps you could have a private pen for ducks attached to the goat duck house where they go out to eat, drink and bath! Don't forget the bath- duckies are a hoot in baths! I had 12 Bantam Call Ducks for herding training and used a bottom of a car luggage carrier for their bath. Emptied it every other day. I'll have ducks again- I lost mine to a predator so Pekins better size for survival. We want pics! I will say- icecream place down the street has a cashmere goat living with geese and ducks and seems to do ok- they look cute out foraging together.

    I intend to get a few guinea hens this year and hope to make them friendly.
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