I thought I found my oldest doe in labor Friday night. I attempted to encourage her and bring her water but nothing but this red ball had come out. I read that sometimes they want to be left alone while birthing, so I left. I later read more and discovered that the red ball was not a baby but an organ. I read one explanation and solution and ran outside and pushed her organ back inside, past the birth canal. She was ok. Since she has only gotten up 3 or 4 times. She is quite large. I am scared for two reasons. After coming back in the house and reading more about prolapsing, I am scared she will become infected because I didn't clean her organ and also there was a small tear in the organ, though it wasn't bleeding.
Should I just wait around and bring her feed and water? Should I attempt to induce labor by pulling those babies out?
Thank you for this website again. It gives me so much confidence in my goat ...um...sheparding.
Ok. I will wait.
Thank you, so much.
This website helps me have the abilities to own these wonderful animals by helping me with vet costs. Thanks again.
I wouldn't be too worried about an infection except that you said you saw a tear, but if there was no blood, then it may be okay. I'd just watch her for signs of infection -- loss of appetite and a fever. Normal is about 102-103.
Do NOT attempt to pull the kids. Her cervix has to dilate for the kids to come out, so you can't just pull the kids out. You have to wait for her to go into labor. There is no reason to try and rush things. If she is going to get an infection, it's going to happen regardless of whether she goes into labor today or next week.