Hello! I'm new here and a new goat mama! Our breeder gave us this goat yesterday with this odd lump underneath its anus. I can't figure out what it is and she wasn't sure either. He is a 9 week old buckling. He is eating and going to the bathroom fine and running around like nothing is wrong. Any ideas?
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To give you another reference for normal anatomy of an 8 week old buckling that has not been castrated yet. Here is a pic of one of my boys. Please pass along what you find out about this little guy.
Oh, no! Goat testicles are descended at birth. If it only has a scrotum, banding it won't do anything. The testicles have to be removed in castration. There may or may not be testicles inside the body. You would have to have a vet do surgery to see if they can find the testicles, which could be a major challenge because they start to develop up by the kidneys, so they have quite a long journey to make their way to the scrotum. If they are not there at birth, they won't ever be. IF it has testicles, it will act like a buck, which means peeing on himself and mating does. It would probably be sterile, but do you really want to take that chance? The surgery will be hundreds of dollars. Most vets won't even give you a solid price for the surgery because they don't know how long it's going to take to find the testicles. I once had a cat with an undescended testicle, and that poor boy wound up with a scar from his groin to his ribs just to find one testicle.
Abby Slayden said:
From the best I can tell, yes! They definitely haven't descended.
Are there testicles in the scrotum?
Abby Slayden said:
This is a picture of the back end of normal castrated 5-month-old male goats.
That is what I was thinking! I'm a nurse (which is obviously much different than animals) but that was my first thought! He has a scrotum as well. We will get him or her to the vet and see! She gave him to us for free because she wasn't sure what was wrong and we were going to band him anyway so I think we will keep him and give him a good life :) thank you for your help!
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but when I looked at that photo, I thought that was a vulva. When I read your post and you said "buckling," my jaw dropped. That is not a buckling. And it's not a doe. It's sad that someone sold you a goat with something like this, supposedly not knowing what it was -- and did not take it to the vet to find out. When I saw your subject line, my thought was that it was going to a be a pic of rectal squamous cell carcinoma, but that is on the rectum. This looks like an intersex or hermaphrodite. I would return it to the breeder and request a refund. That is not at all what a buck looks like under his tail.