I own a 2 year old doe that is very healthy and active. She is turned out for several hours a day on a grass and alfalfa pasture and she has free choice mineral and grass hay in her pen. The problem is that when I feel her ribs to check her weight, it seems there is a centimeter of fat on her sides. Several days a week, I take this doe on walks and all she does is gain muscle and doesn't lose weight! How can I make her loose weight with out making her look like a body builder?
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If people are asking when your doe is due to kid, that's not necessarily overweight. That's a dropped abdomen. Goats like that can actually be underweight, which I see a lot, unfortunately, because everyone just looks at the belly. I have two pictures in Raising Goats Naturally of a goat that is not pregnant and then the same doe at 5 months pregnant. She is just as wide in both pictures. The only difference between the pictures is in how high her belly is.
Yes, Julieanne, you're correct. Body condition is checked along the spine, the brisket, and the tail.
I agree, Bev. My does are different sizes but neither one of them are fat. I thought we were supposed to test for excess weight by feeling the pad above the tail and on their brisket?
Winding River Farm (Bev) said:
Maybe sometimes it is just in their makeup to be on the chunky side or the opposite and be thin. Just like we all are different. I have 10 does and one girl and one of her daughters are all big. I have had visitors ask when she is due to kid.
They eat the same - mine get lots of exercise - She is bred every year. She will run across the field kicking up her heels but never drops an ounce.