After reading everyone else's postings and being so nervous - my doe went and snuck in her babies in the 40 minutes I was gone! Really I'm not complaining - I am not a good birthing spectator!
Anyway - she never changed her body shape, she ate food the entire day she was having minor contractions, but what I noticed this morning was a different look on her face. It was a sweet look. This is my queen - she is usually on the alert, or monitoring other goats. I thought maybe it was the homeopathic remedy she had the night before.
But she kept to the barn instead of being out with the other pregnant girls. She lay down and got up a lot. While she ate - she was a bit more picky than usual. And I saw funny body positions that made me think she was beginning to have contractions. All this started in the morning but it was around 4 pm that I was sure. She did the stare during a contraction, but no mucus, she ate her dinner. So we thought we had hours!
So we have a little buckling (wether to be) and a darling doeling who looks very much like her father.
I will have to read the notes on telling a polled baby as I really hope!!! she is polled. Since her father is my strongest boy and mom is my strongest goat - queen and strong in health - this girl is a keeper!
I only wish my cam had some way of looking back so I could see the birth now that I know the end of the story.
Mom - Kiki is an incredible great mom for a FF! I knew her mom was a great mom so I had hope. There was just no doubt - she was so attentive to both babies at the same time - amazing. Took to nursing them quickly. Babies are sturdy and strong. Cute -
2 more to go - I'm hoping for a particular color - I will admit - so can't wait to see what else comes along. So much fun!! And thanks to ALL of you for making this a dream come true! Pictures to come when the light is better.
Congrats! Can't wait to see those pictures! :)
Aw congratulations! So glad it went well!
See my latest post "Polled or not? Helpful tip." I almost disbudded one of my doelings! Turns out 2 out of 3 were polled! I could actually see the difference in the shapes of their heads. Lots of good posts here about it.