I had a Nigerian dwarf give birth about 40 hours ago. The babies seemed healthy after day one but today the mother has seemed to neglect one for the other. The other was very week and seemed to have little or nothing in its stomach. The mother definitely tends towards the bigger, more healthy sibling, too. Is this a case of an orphaned baby or am I too quick to diagnose?
This site is so helpful, thank you already before I even post.
If he is unable to suck, I would tube feed. Otherwise, I would just keep trying to bottle feed. They do catch on.
I urge caution with a syringe, as they can aspirate. I still have guilt from my early years with goats of leaving my inexperienced daughter with a kid I was trying to feed by syringe. She aspirated and I came home to find may daughter in tears and the baby dead.
James Samuel Sturgill said:
Cheryl K. Smith said:
I would help the baby try to nurse regularly, and see how the mother treats the little one. If she allows it, it may need some help to get going and get in there. I would also give some nutridrench to get the littler one some more energy to get motivated. Unless the mother is purposely not letting that one nurse, I wouldn't say she is an orphan.
Another option is to help her nurse on the mom and then also supplement with a bottle. I have done this until they get established. There is no reason the mom shouldn't be able to feed the two.
Jackie K said:
just thinking - did you give the kid a little skirt of NutriDrench or Goatade? it is a great boost for appetite
James Samuel Sturgill said:
Cheryl K. Smith said:
Did you ever post a f/u to this story? Did the doeling learn to nurse correctly? I need to know the end of the story!
Deborah Niemann-Boehle said: