No buck aroma

im wondering if anyone has run across this.....I sold my old buck last winter; I kept 2 of his sons because they were so good natured.  one son has since produced another buck.   while the little one may be too young yet the other two do not smell and they don't pee on themselves.  all other mating rituals are normal.  several of my buyers commented on the fact that they don't stink like most bucks. they are a year and a half old;  does the smell come later?  their father was 4 when I got him and he stunk to high heaven!  Believe me I certainly don't mind the lack of aroma; just wondering if this is unusual.

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  • Haven't thought of the burning the scent glands until I saw your post Deborah.  Years ago when I had nubians  the gal I got my buck from always burned the scent glands.  I don't remember my nubian buck stinking like my nigerians do. 

    Maybe it works but I would be a little weary of trying it.  Doing the horn buds is bad enough for us. 

  • Bucks have scent glands right behind their horn buds, so when they're disbudded those scent glands get burned a little. I've even heard of some people purposely burning back there to descent them. I don't know how well it works, as I've never tried it.

  • Why would polled bucks stink more?
  • I can't smell my bucks from a distance other than in the fall. But if you run your hands on them, your hands will stink 12 months a year. They do get a little stinker as they get bigger. Polled bucks definitely stink more.
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