No Birth, but a Farm FIRST!!

Not really a kidding or birth announcement, but it's a FIRST on my farm!! MigMog MiniMe is my VERY first kid to hit the ground on my farm, and she is my first goat registered with MY herd name!!

So now that I have already registered her, I have a Q: I see a lot of names with initials in the middle of them... and it occured to me, that they are the initials of the SIRE of that goat. For example, I have a doe Pholia Farm MI Ina. Her sire's name is Pholia Farm CA Mr Incredible. (the MI in Ina's name is for Mr. Incredible.)  I realized that my bucks are named in the same way. I know it's too late for Mini, but I was wondering what exactly are the advantages to adding those initials? Other than the obvious, it helps a breeder to see who the sire is. If I had used that for Mini, she would have been MigMog AD MiniMe... but alas... it's too late for that.

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  • Me too!!

  • Well, if someone else has another reason, I hope they chime in! I'd love to hear it!

  • Thank you, Deb!! I figured that was why people did that, but I didn't know if there was more to it. :)

  • Congratulations on your first homebred goat! I started adding buck initials or buck nicknames to my kid names after a few years of breeding. Once you have more goats than your memory can easily keep track of, you want to have as many little tricks as you can to help you know who's who without having to pull out the pedigree every time.

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