So my goat that I had been worried about hasn't had her babies yet, but my other girl did! We just put Butterscotch in the new shed with Cocoa at 4:30 PM last night. My husband checked on everybody at 1AM because my buck Ta Tanka was devastated to be separated from her, and everything was ok. This morning at 6 AM, as I was going out to let them out of the building, newborn cries! Two new nuggets looking at me!! I about fainted - I've been so concerned about the process, these are MY first babies!! Mama seems to be doing well, and these two cuties are still exploring. Cocoa's rear is starting to look like Butterscotch's did yesterday, so I don't think she's too far behind. More pics to come!
My question though, is how do I tell if mama passed her placenta yet or not? I don't know if she did and ate it, or if it hasn't come yet... there is no evidence of anything having happened. Thanks for your advice, it really has helped!
About the baby monitors; if you are out of range and have a place to do it, set up a series of two to do the same job if one doesn't do it.
Sex determination? You can do it like I did last year.<g> Thought I had three doelings, was sure I had checked. Then when they were all outside, one went to the bathroom and was clearly a boy! So, I checked, the triplets were two bucklings and only one doeling. We had a good chuckle about it. I wanted girls so much that apparently I invented them. I swear, I checked them. In my defense, however, it was the previous day(s) we had our birthing tragedy with my senior doe so I wasn't in my best state. The bathroom always tells. :-)
Congratulations! I have to wait until mid-April.
They are both girls, and I am handling them daily to get them used to me... lil Precious nuzzles up in my neck, she is so cute!!! Her eyes are blue.. Grace likes to yell a lil bit, but then relaxes, brown eyed nugget!
The baby monitors work from different ranges but almost all work up to 1000' and yes they go through the walls with no problem. Be sure to read the distance on the box and get one that will work for your distance. Also, if the goaties can reach the cord they will pull it down and chew the cord in half (ask me how I know?). I had to fix mine like 3 times even when I thought they couldn't reach it (lil stinkers!).
Oh, and your baby boys will have little penises on their bellies!!
Also, as silly as it sounds, is pretty easy to determine the sex? Both of them have lil nubs so I believe they are both girls... Calico one is Precious and brown is Grace.
Do the baby monitors work from a decent distance? I've been considering purchasing one, but wasn't sure of the range, with different buildings/walls/etc...
Congrats!! They are so cute! I CANNOT wait! :)
Eeeeeeeeeeeeee! They are so adorable!!! Congratulations!
Dee, you might consider a monitor so you can hear what's going on in there and can be there for Cocoa when she goes into labor. They are not expensive, mine was only about $20 but works fantastic. Some use video monitors but they're too expensive for me for now. However, I was surprised how well I can hear everything going on in there with just the cheapy monitor!