New Massachusetts member saying hello

OK - I've been posting but haven't really introduced myself yet.


Judy Asarkof in Massachusetts.  I fell in love with Nigerians about 3 years ago when I bought 3 to add to my sheep farm. They were such a delight - I moved them to another place to start up a separate goat farm.  I separated them just because sheep and goats can share the same illnesses and my sheep are used for herding training - so are not a closed flock. 

I test my goats annually for CAE, Johnnes and CL.

Anyway - after living with them for a bit - I decided I wanted milk and breeding of course comes with that.  I still figuring out my "angle" but I'm a natural type and so it has been a focus of mine to raise my goats with less chemicals in their food and in/on them.

My farm is called Capra Diem Nigerian Dwarf Goats and my website - still totally under construction - is

As you all know - this is my first fall breeding and we are starting off slow. Breeding 3 does, 4 unborn babies are already placed. That is my biggest concern - finding good homes.

I also have the sheep at Sunflower Sheep Farm - 24 sheep including a bunch of rare/heritage breeds, 18 chickens, 4 ducks (Bantam Call Ducks), and 1 Narragansett turkey - hatched from an egg given to me as a gift from a fellow goat person.  LOVE the turkey - such character.

And 2 Old English Sheepdogs, 2 cats and of course- I have to take care of all the frogs, birds, deer and other critters that cross our paths.

Happy Thanksgiving week to all of you!


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