Mother will not allow babies to nurse

Hej from Sweden!

HELP !!! We have a new mother (not first time mother) who has just stopped allowing her two babies to nurse from her. We have no idea what is the problem. She seems to have no problem with her udder. We think that maybe one of the boys has bitten her on the nipple.

She gave birth August 11th and has been feeding them well up until 2 days ago.  The babies started crying so I offered a bottle which they took, twice. 

We decided to place her on the milk stand and let the babies nurse, but she sat down , right on top of them. We held her bak legs so they could nurse and they ate a lot. Her udder seems fine, no pain when I held it to see how it felt before, during and after the little ones ate.

We have not started to milk her because her babies are so small.

Any ideas on what might be going on? I really would appreciate any ideas or suggestions.


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  • Hej from Sweden!

    Here are photos of Hilda and her two sons, Phillip and Winston:

    photo 33.jpg

    photo 35.jpg

    photo 38.jpg

  • Hej from Sweden !

    Please forgive this very late update on Hilda and her two sons, Phillip and Winston. A bit too much travel and working in my workshop making soap.

    Happy to say that I have forbidden any outside hands to touch the boys besides myself and my husband. Hilda has resumed feeding her boys and they are plump and happy.

    Thank you everyone for your suggestions and comments!

  • Hej from Sweden !

    Thanks for your message ! No worries, I am traveling also, headed to NY. We have reduced Hilda's space in her box so that she is literally on top of her babies. She cleans them, calls to them,and so on. We have been taking her up on the milk stand  to hold her so her babies, at least 3 times a day. She seems to have no issue with this . We have done the rubbing of the towel and then rubbing on her babies. Last night we saw her with her head snuggled right between her two babies. I have also instructed my husband not to allow anyone to handle the babies, while I am away.

    Thank you Deborah an safe travels! 

    I will keep you posted!

  • How is it going? Sorry I've been traveling. I'm speaking at a conference in Virginia this weekend, so won't be near the computer much. Did you start milking the mom? It would be best if you were able to keep giving the kids her milk. If they're getting milk from another doe, that could just confuse mama more!

  • Comments from another forum:

    "Sometimes you can try putting some of her milk or urine on the baby to make him smell like her. "

    "Most effective, in my experience, is taking an old rag and rubbing it all over mama goat, particularly around the chin, forehead, and horn area so you pick up the smell from the scent gland areas, then rub the old rag over the kid.  Plus, hold the mama in place so the kid can nurse for a couple days to help her adjust to the newness and work past that initial ultra tenderness in the teats.  Just another tip passed on from the old folks who taught me years ago – they'd milked a milked a couple dozen goats a day for decades."

    "Smear a little vicks on mamma's nose and introduce the kid. By the time she can smell again the kid will smell like her."

  • I think that all sounds really awesome and very believable! I am sure it is true. don't know if it will help to put the milk on but I had thought of it, so lets hope it works!

  • Hej from Sweden!

    Why not? I am willing to try anything to get Hilda to feed her babies again!

    Than so much for this idea, It makes perfect sense, now that you mention it.


    Debbie Lynn said:


    Not sure if this will help, but I had a breeder tell me that a Mama goat can smell her own milk in their babies poo. Do you ever notice how a mama goat has to smell the backside of her new babies nearly every time they nurse when they are young, like she is making sure, yep these are mine!  I'm sure the new kids have their own body smell of course, but you wonder about that poo smell

    I do believe this to be true because last year I had a mom reject one of her kids, she was a first freshener and she had triplets.  The little guy was given mom's colostrum of course but I had another doe that only had a single and he favored only one side.  So I milked the unfavored side and fed it to the other baby that had been rejected.  You know to this day the doe I got the milk from to feed the rejected kid seems to still always just accept him and he is a yearling now.  She hardly ever bosses him around and she is herd queen.  Could she smell her milk in his poo......don't know......just a neat observation :)

    With that said I wonder if it would help to take some milk from the mom and rub a bit on the bottoms of her kids.  Just a thought.

  • Hej from Sweden!

    It never ceases to amaze me the way of nature and natural instincts.. This is quite possible. I certainly give it a try.

    Thank you so much for your time and your suggestion!!


    Glenna Rose said:

    Not sure when  Deborah will see this and respond.  In the meantime, I would take a very slightly damp towel and rub all over her and perhaps on your arms as well to get her scent deeply into it and then rub it on the kids.  There is likely a better way but perhaps this might help for now.  Anxious to see what others say.

  • Not sure when  Deborah will see this and respond.  In the meantime, I would take a very slightly damp towel and rub all over her and perhaps on your arms as well to get her scent deeply into it and then rub it on the kids.  There is likely a better way but perhaps this might help for now.  Anxious to see what others say.

  • Hej from Sweden!

    Thank you so much for your quick response! And thanks for your kind words about my logo and my new business.

    These are her babies, for sure because each mother has her own box, so no chance of mixups. That must have       

    been a funny situation for you all; glad it all worked out.

    My husband has been away for a week and a very nice retired couple has come to help in the stable and with milking twice a day. They have been picking up the babies every day!! I did think about that , but was not ure. That could be the problem.

    How do I get my scent only back on the babies, which she accepts?

    They are nibbling muesli and hay and tiny bit of carrot and apple.

    I even tried to limit the space they have in the box to allow her to re bond with her babies.

    I hope there has not been irreversible damage done here!!

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