More on the waiting !!!

After she didn't kid by the 5th of May I rechecked the January calendar and it told me she was with the buck on Jan 1st. I am sure the breeding took on that date as she is now in day 141 and wide open, still groaning as she moves around but definitely almost there. She is a wide load but her udder is not full yet. The only day I don't want her to kid is Saturday when I will be gone for about 9 hours.  

Tomorrow or Thursday would be fine with me! Even Sunday or Monday but NOT Saturday. All my backup people are going away for the holiday! 

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  • For some reason we have always had animals that loved giving birth on our birthdays and holidays and even our anniversary. I have never seen anything like it. I mean it happens so much we always assume that every big belly we see is due on the next "occasion". The funny thing is, when we finally saw what appeared to be our first ND breeding and ran to check the due date calculator, the date given was my youngest birthday and the goat that was bred was her goat. Go figure! I really hope that she kids on that day and everything goes great!

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