Manna Pro Alfalfa Dehydrated Pellets

I don't know how much to feed my Nigerian goats this stuff. The label says Change feeds gradually over a period of 5 to 7 days nothing else. Well if this is dehydrated alfalfa pellets and I'm already giving them alfalfa hay, do I still need to gradually change? Can I add the the Purina Noble Goat with the dehydrated alfalfa pellets, but I don't know how much of the Manna Pro to feed. Can I add the hay as well? This is for 1 wether and two does and one 3 month baby doe. This is so confusing


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  • I agree, Patty...  I ordered my microscope today thanks to you :-)

  • If you care about them a great deal, you're going to do a great job! :)  You've found a really awesome, knowledgeable group of people to help you along the way, too.  I've learned SO MUCH from this group!

  • Ahhh, thanks Glenna  - I just care about them a great deal..  :-)

  • Please don't get discouraged.  Just settle in to what works for them (and you).

  • no I'm not milking them.  I have some burmuda grass hay,  They don't eat that much of it.  They all love the alfalfa.  I don't want to give them the noble goat 16 and their.  This is getting to the point of not wanting goats.  I have so much information and a lot of it is so contradictory...  You've been great.

  • It's always a good idea to gradually change the feed, even if you are changing from one hay supplier to another.

    If your goats are not milking, they don't need alfalfa. Does your feed store have hay pellets like timothy grass hay or another grass hay pellet? Milkers can pretty much have as much alfalfa as they can eat, but it will make dry does fat and can cause health problem for wethers.

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