Does anybody use LGD's with their goats?
Please tell me how you use them or your family dog around your goats. Do you allow your family dogs to interact with goats and if so tell me about your experiences both good and bad.
I have 2 dogs I'm considering working around my 3 lil ND goats and am looking for pros & cons.
Thanks for your input.
Thanks Margaret, I appreciate your input.
We had a great training run this evening and I'm enjoying working with the goats & dogs together.
I'm so glad Anchovy is on the mend.
Anchovy is doing quite good. Thank you! Same as before we realized the maggots were already at work. A little improvement everyday.
Wish I could help you more with the dog issue but it sounds to me like you have some pretty good ones and have a good idea of what to do. Sounds great so far. Sure some experienced folks will give you some useful tips. Most important thing I can think of to tell you is to go with your gut about what you feel safe with and don't take chances. I am sure things will work out fine!
Thank you so much for's my situation at present.
The Chi Herd as I call them are not an issue. I don't let them out of the backyard chain link fence. We have hawk, owls and coyotes that would prey on them I'm afraid, mostly cause they either look like a rabbit or a rat depending on which one we're talking about...there are 6 of them. The bigger dogs are a 2 yr.old Great Pyr / Aussie mix and my beloved & trusted Blue Heeler who is now going on 10. She is my work dog & very well trained . The Pyr Mix I've already started training for basic obedience work and as you say natural protection instincts . He goes with me out to the pasture before the goats get to go out alone. He does his fence line run marks territory & barks at anything he feel is out of place. He is finally beginning to mature and will be a fine companion dog. He was raised with sheep as a pup and has a real gentle nature, he shows a lot of interest in the goats and marks his territory on the outside of their kennel. All of his training around the goats is on long leash so I can guide him in training. The matron doe has politely introduced herself and they have done the sniff~sniff through the fence. The other girls are more skiddish and that's fine as far as I'm concerned. So I was just interested in anyones input as to how they introduced their dogs to the goats. Mind you all of my goats have their horns intact so I'm caution, cause I don't want to ask more from them than they can handle right now. Of course I don't ned a vet bill
I've searched out the LGD list and will chat there too. but I wanted a point of view from folks who have more of a goats point of view, if that makes sense.
I love the fact that you seem a kindred spirit... I've always kept animals and it never hurts to get others opinions.
Forgot to ask how's your doe with the hurt leg???
Ms C are you talking about your Chihuahuas? What kind of dogs are you talking about and what is it you want to do specifically. No I am not joking about the chihuahuas?
Since I live were I don't have to worry about wild things like coyotes etc. I look at things a little different than most folks. I prefer to think in terms of actual protection and alert to danger as different aspects of the same end result being livestock SAFETY! Every animal I have is free to play with and visit with each other barring only fences between bucks/does etc.
I have 16 goats, 10 canines (including our newborns), 4 cats, 3 chickens and a RACCOON! Yes she plays with everyone else too! I guess I actually earned the nickname Ellie Mae from my hubbys friend who calls me that.
My cats and dogs & my raccoon eat their meals beside each other and chase each other around and play all the time and the coon does stay loose (no cage at all) with them. She does not go in the woods where there are other coons, so I don't have to worry about her picking up rabies etc.
She also has full contact with the goats but doesn't find them much fun really, because they just don't play like she does so although she runs around where they are at will she doesn't bother them. She and the goats mostly ignore each other. And she really doesn't hang out so to speak with them. She also pretty much ignores the chickens. (I wouldn't risk trusting her around baby chicks of course)
All that said-the reason for the details-I have always had a nak for mixing animals this way-don't know why-use to have pet rats and cats drink out of the same bowl on the floor. Animal psychology I guess-I try hard to think from their perspective and always remember they are animals and focus on their natural instinct-some people can use that to their advantage and I try hard to do that.
So back on the dogs. I have a sister who uses Gt. Per. and I love those big white squishy things. They work for her and cost a good bit purchased & trained for her herd. They will not even let a little 4 week old stray puppy come in the pasture without killing it to protect their goats. Beautiful and sweet to the herd tho. This spring a doe did not take care of it kid born in the pasture and the dog cleaned it up when it was born-was a bottle baby and then got placed on the ground with the dog who would clean it and it remained with the herd.
Works for some-not me-don't want a dog that would kill a stray puppy-don't need that kind of protection.
I don't need one to herd my animals or protect them from wildlife. I only need to know if anything out of the ordinary is going on-someone in my yard-a stray dog around-if kids started hitting the ground without me there I think they would bark and let me know because of the kids bleating-they are small and I can trust the personalities of them not to hurt them but help clean kids. I have already found out that they don't upset the mommas when they already have a good relationship. Momma lets them know how far away to stay or lets them help with babies to a degree. My best ones are my male dachshund who ADORES his goats. He is young and energetic and can actually keep up with them. Lets me know if I am needed and will clean there wounds etc.-will eat any carrots no one wants- and likes a little grain too. Silly dog! And the old half-wore out female Shih tzu who is really shy and lovable will clean and protect babies. She is so sweet that she tries to mother everything- for a long time she was nursing my young but adult male cat whose mom had gotten killed when he was a baby. Guess he didn't get over it so good.
I did it again and it has rained and rained here. Nothing else to do.
So you asked about family dogs, Some could be a serious problem but obviously they can work out great also. All my babies know that momma loves them and they know that I love my other babies. I make sure they realize that I love all my babies and I don't tolerate them being ugly to each other. So they seem to respect that.
You will get lots of help with the REAL LGDs.
I live with the WANNABES! And there hearts are really into their work!