weight (6)

Standard body weight

Being new to raising goats, I am wondering if ours are at the right weight. I read the “Body Condition Scores in Goats” resource from one of Deborah’s older posts, and will try to assess our goats’ weight this way. However, I was wondering if there a

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7 Replies
Views: 188

Kidding questions

1.  My doe was 32 lb before breeding and has gained 16 lb.  We don't know the exact date of breeding but think she is about to go.  Is there any rule of thumb on how much a doe will gain?  Of course I know this will have something to do with how many

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11 Replies
Views: 291

Overweight issues

Okay, I am at wits end with my two-year-old (and first born here).  She is very overweight and has been on the same diet as the older does (her mom and half-sister a year younger).  A month ago, I started withholding alfalfa pellets which I had been

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5 Replies
Views: 1427

A few questions

Just some things I've been wondering.

First of all, we've been planning to breed our doe and everywhere I can find says that you should breed them once they've reached at least 70% of their weight, or at about 7 or 8 months.

Everywhere I look says t

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1 Reply
Views: 129

Kid's growth

We had begun talking about this in another discussion, so I thought I'd post it here so it didn't get mixed up.


Both of my kids are small, petite kids.  They are both supposed to be about 11 weeks old, but I think my doe is a little younger. My wet

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3 Replies
Views: 119