We had begun talking about this in another discussion, so I thought I'd post it here so it didn't get mixed up.
Both of my kids are small, petite kids. They are both supposed to be about 11 weeks old, but I think my doe is a little younger. My wether is 14 inches tall at the shoulder and weighs 14 1/2 pounds. My doe is 12 inches tall and weighs 10 pounds. Both animals came from very petite does, both were only about knee high at their shoulders. They cam from different breeders in different states.
They both browse all day and eat grain and hay fine. I have sweet-lix loose minerals for them but they don't seem to eat much of that. I tried several, several times to give them both bottles but no luck. I tries different nipples, pritchard etc. I was able to force feed a few ounces to my doe. They also would not pan drink the milk. They are both rounded out in the stomach, they don't look thin but I can feel their pelvis a little on either sides of their tails.
They have both been vet checked and have had fecals done a few times with no parasites seen. I have wormed them once with Ivermec because I thought their gums and eyelids looked pale. They play and don't act tired or sick.
I just don't know at what rate they should grow or put on weight. I don't want to get them fat but I do want for them to grow at the proper rate. I may decide at some point in the next couple of year to breed my doe for pleasure/pets. What do you guys think? I can post pics of them if needed. Thanks!!