lil 7 week old buck

this lil guy has been clicking and makin noises and pushing on my lil 4 month old mini nubian. he is so funny. and she don't like it. but, what's really funny is that the mother gets mad and chases away my nubi.

he is very cute. too bad i'm selling him. not really trying to keep pygmy's now that i'm learning. and now i pretty much know what i'm looking for.




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  • You can wether him now, but I like to wait until about 10-12 weeks myself. I personally decided to keep bucks as companions instead of wethers. That way, I'm not paying for a non useful mouth in my herd. I just added another buckling to my herd, and put him in with the does to start, because he's too young to breed yet. Silly boy squeeze through the fence, into the buck pen, and has been there ever since. He's tiny, but the big boys have been more kind to him than the does were! lol IDK if his genetics are those that you would want as a herd sire, but that might be an option for him. On the other hand, if you're planning to wether him, you can do that, and leave him with the girls until you're comfortable putting him in with your buck. That said, I think that my bucks are very aggressively "flirty" with my wethers. They chase them around (I just re structured the pens, and one of my yearling wethers got in with the bucks) and REALLY tried breeding/dominating the wether. That was one reason I had plans to introduce the new tiny buckling more slowly. It seems that they don't view him as a mate to be bred as much as they did with the wether, though. 

  • well last night was hi first night alone. last night i locked him up .and locked up mom in another. he was screaming his head off. i felt horrible. he literally sounded like he was saying maaaaaaaaaaaa  maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!

    this morning, i let everyone out. i go to let mom out ....and sure enough there he is layin with his sis in the room with his mom. have know freaking idea how he got out in her room . he walls in his room are 4 ft one spot 3 ft,hers are 4ft . 3 sides covered . so 1 4 ft tall last night i even covered holes in her front wall and door

    hghghghghgg very frustrated. i decided to keep him ( what is oldest to turn to wether? ) to be pal for my ND buck. instead of buying one.

  • Clearly, mom does not approve of him as a son-in-law. <g> (Not yet anyway.)

  • Adorable! :)

  • They start the buck behavior young, that's for sure. At 8 weeks of age they can impregnate does/doelings.

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