Lespedeza and Hairy Vetch

I've read that Sericea Lespedeza is good for goats, but some consider it a noxious weed and it's banned in some states. I've also read that some people use Korean Lespedeza in their pasture mix for goats. Which do you think is better?

Also, what about Hairy Vetch? I don't really know a lot about it, but what I have read seems to be mostly positive. What are the pros and cons when growing it in the pasture for dairy goats?

 I'm kind of going off the Fias Co Farm pasture seed mix. Has anyone personally had any problems with anything listed? "Other Additions" just include Rye right now, but possibly chicory in the future...

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  • I have read goats do like vetch.  I have some in the area near the barn and the goats did single it out this summer.

  • Ok, good to know. Thank you!

  • All of the research I've read talks about sericea lespedeza. When goats graze on it, they have lower parasite loads. They don't have a "dosage" for it, but they have done a lot of studies, and basically as the time grazing increases, the parasite problems decrease to the point that none of them goats have problems when grazing on it daily.

    Keep in mind that when individuals talk about something "working" for them, there could be conflicting variables that are actually causing the desired result.

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