I am trying to decide how to configure the inside of my new barn. I have a 24x36 ft space to work with. (I have a 36x36 barn, but the other 12x36 is for milk room, hay and straw storage, feed, etc.). I have three does that I am fairly certain are pregnant (no further heats, saw the deed accomplished with post-coital "hunching" behavior, etc.) and one doe that I honestly don't know about. <<no obvious heat, a surprise buck-attack, thought she was bred, then a month later he got her again because I thought she was already bred...plus none of that "hunching". So I'm thinking 4 12x6 kidding pens...and they get to stay in those pens with their kids for what?...several days? a week? Then my thought was to re-configure one of those areas into a 12x12 night-time nursery for when I begin to (please, please) milk the mothers. Does this sound about right? And I was thinking of purchasing those Snuggle Safe disks from Valley Vet to keep the kids warm...has anyone tried those? I really, really hate the idea of a heat lamp in the barn...
Your space sounds wonderful! When we finally created kidding pens, they were smaller -- two 5 X 10 and two 4 X 10. I really don' t like the 4 X 10. We have two additional pens that I call "nursery pens," which is where we move the does in groups of two or three families. One pen is 8 X 10 and one is 10 X 10. The 8 X 10 is okay for two does and kids; the 10 X 10 will hold three does and kids, but 10 X 15 is better, which is what I have in my main barn.
I keep the does separated from the herd with their kids as long as possible up to a couple weeks. The kids are old enough by then to be able to handle it when a doe butts them away after they attempt to nurse on the wrong mama. I try never to introduce a single doe back into the herd. If you can put together three does or more, the head butting is minimized for individual does. If you just add a single doe back into the herd, it is not uncommon for the other does to gang up on the one being reintroduced.