My doe, Willow, has a kidding date of April 13, 2016, so I'm starting to add more to my goat kit, so as to cover kidding needs. The only thing is, I have no idea what I should add. Someone mentioned that I'll want to have some milk replacer on hand. Is there a 'favorite' brand out there that is best? Also, should I have colostrum as well for just in case?
What else? I'm figuring hay for clean bedding...and then what?
A friend told me that Willow would be perfectly fine giving birth with Naomi in the same pen, but I'd like more opinions on this since I know absolutely nothing, and because what works with some, doesn't work with others. Also, is there a time that I ought to separate babies afterward?
I think I'd better dig Deborah's book back out and get to reading it again! Thanks in advance!
Lots of towels - and something that works well is the puppy training pads to put the new babies on instead of a towel. You can roll up the mess and toss it. I had some left from my pup and used them the last few birthings -may buy them for that from now on. Iodine in a small container (pill bottles work) for dipping their cord after mom has cleaned them up some. Some people don't dip - but it is such a minor job to do I kind of feel that better safe than sorry. Also some selenium jell on hand in case a baby looks a little weak and needs it. Maybe you do the shots before birthing? I do not.
Usually mom has the milk and colostrum needed but if it makes you feel better -be prepared. I always have milk starter and have used the Land O'Lake milk replacer with good results. You can put the bag away in the freezer for storage if you don't need it. I like to have extra supplies on hand because we live quite away from town. I would rather throw something away later than to not have it if it was needed in a hurry. I find my Nigerians are such good moms on their own and do a good job. I do give substitute bottles if there are quite a few babies. The smaller ones sometimes need a little extra.
I have had kidding with other does close but since I have a stall that I get ready before the date I try to put them there alone for birthing and give them a day or two (what ever is needed) before I let them back with everyone. I have a heat lamp in there just in case it is cold when babies are born. Sometimes my mom's want out pretty quick and some like to stay there with their little ones much longer. I give them their choice. I have one girl that I give close to a week alone as she is so busy smashing everyone to keep them away from her babies she doesn't have time to look after the little ones. I let them keep their babies until weaned. Boys I pull 8-10 weeks depending on how they are eating. I want them gone actually. If I am keeping the girl then I let mom keep her till weaned. After 4-6 weeks I separate babies at night and milk out in the morning, put the babies back with her all day. Everyone does different so figure what is best for you.
Also for mom - offer warm water with molasses or honey in it after birthing or during. Mine love it. Mine prefer warm water for a few days actually. I got some stuff called COWP this year - maybe that is the wrong initials, it's for after birthing. I also give mom a little grain and some special treats after she is done.