Keeping the herd in check!

I had quads on Thursday night and by today have already sold two of the boys! (Not leaving until they are bigger). I have someone wanting the third one as well. In order for me to keep my goats and maintain a great herd I need to make sure I make regular sales. My sweet husband has continued to remind me that goatkeeping needs to be fun not a lot of work. Moving toward my 7 th decade means I can't do what I would do when I was take it all on. Consequently having regular sales makes me happy. 

Someone came by today and asked about a 2 1/2 month old that I had decided to sell this morning. She left with them happily snuggled up with their two girls! 

We will get to enjoy the babies for a while and then they will go to their forever homes!

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  • Yea, it is such a bitter sweet thing, isn't it? And one we all face to some degree.

  • I love your post and your tug ow war battle between keeping them all and being able to continue and enjoy your goats. Not sure if you are aware but "forever family" is used in our states child foster/adoption care community and after being a foster/adoptive mom I think it fits perfectly. Loving and teaching them to be loving confident beings and then sending them on to there forever families. Perfect. 
  • Completely understand about needing to make your sales and I know you hate to have to, but I am happy that your sales are going so well. That is just fantastic!

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