Ivomec Plus for new mom?

I am getting mixed reviews trying to find out if Ivomec Plus is okay for new mom nursing kids.  Anybody done it?  I have plain Ivermectin too but it was a wet soggy nasty summer and I would like to give her the plus.

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  • Thanks Deborah, I finally figured out when I looked back at fiasco that it was the one that says swine! I knew I was looking for cattle injectable but didn't rea;ize it said swine also!

  • You can order the cattle injectable and then give it orally. It is the same thing as the sheep drench, but much more concentrated, so you only have to give a few CCs, rather than something huge like 15-20. It winds up being much cheaper than the sheep drench, which is just a weaker formulation.

    Margaret Langley said:

    OK, I have a problem, I just realized the Ivomec I had on my order was a pour on! Glad I noticed before I finished checking out! Is the one I want to order for cattle and swine which looks like a BLACK box? I really need to figure this out so I can go ahead and order!

  • OK, I have a problem, I just realized the Ivomec I had on my order was a pour on! Glad I noticed before I finished checking out! Is the one I want to order for cattle and swine which looks like a BLACK box? I really need to figure this out so I can go ahead and order!

  • Well Juliana, one thing is for sure...she shouldn't have ANY worms! As long as she is ok, I wouldn't worry about it at this point. You can't take it back now!

    Thanks Deborah, I decided to just get the regular Ivomec to be on the safer side for now, since I don't know if anyone is pregnant or how far along they would be!

  • Well...all I can say is...she seems fine :)

  • The cattle dosage is 1 ml for 110lb...

    A ml is the same as a cc, correct?  I was told 1cc per 20#  and since I did not know exactly what this doe weighs, but probably around 55-60#, I gave her 2.5 cc's.  Now I am not sure if I did it right? 


    2X the cattle dosage would be 1ml per 50#...meaning I gave her way too much?  I really wish they would make stuff for goats, labeled for goats, so we didn't have to do all this guessing game.  Too much is better than too little, at least, I hope- right?


  • I don't know anything about the "plus" drug, but when dosing with ivomec, it needs to be 2X the cattle dosage. If you give ivomec at less than that, you will be facing resistance much faster than otherwise, because you won't be killing most of the bugs.

  • Jennifer, what is the dosage for that! It is the Ivomec plus for cattle right?

  • I did give it orally.  I can live with the possibility of whatever tiny residue might be left for the first few weeks of her milk - probably not nearly as scary as what's in storebought milk.

  • If you gave it to her orally, the withdrawal time shouldn't be as bad, so hopefully it'll be out of her system by the time you start milking her.

    Juliana Goodwin said:

    Thanks Deborah, for the input.  I went ahead and gave it to her, I asked a friend of mine who uses that wormer almost exclusively and she gives it to all her nursing mothers so I decided to just go for it. 

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