Hi All:
I was thrilled to find a discussion of those of you who have moved toward less and less vaccinations. I'm also in that mode and would like to start now finding others/lines that are free of vaccines. Are there lists? I know there are email groups about natural choices but in the dog world - it is really easy to find breeders with like interests. Where might I find this with goats?
As I move forward with my own kids who will not be vaccinated - I will want to breed to bucks who are not compromised by vaccines.
Lastly - is it normal in the goat world to still believe vaccinating the mother while pregnant is a good thing? In the holistic/homeopathic world - that is beyond problematic.
Hope to hear of a few lists! OR that you'd all like me to start one!
I'm not aware of a list anywhere of breeders who don't vaccinate, so one essentially has to visit one website after another to see what a breeder does. Some go so far above and beyond what is even recommended by the vaccine manufacturers. I've seen some people say they vaccinate a kid four times the first year! :( We quit vaccinating six or seven years ago.
Yes, the standard practice is to vaccinate does during pregnancy.
I don't know of any lists, but to my knowledge, Pholia Farms does not vaccinate. I do not vaccinate. I do give wormer if needed, as an individual case by case need. I also give antibiotics if needed. I have only had one doe that needed them so far.