Interesting kid picture

I had a photographer friend come - he requested that I allow him to take pictures of my goats. How could I say no!  He had such a great time - he wanted to come back and do some "formals". I didn't know what that meant but said sure....

Here is a picture of one girl I might be keeping and one who is sold.  It is sort of cool. At first I thought it was stupid. I'm looking forward to seeing others. I'm afraid he didn't catch much.  Ironically  the kids LOVED his setup. 

It was a white background, and in front of it - a white box.  I would place the kid on the box and back away. I assumed they'd leap off and he'd miss the shot.  Instead - first - they couldn't tell if I was placing them on anything. Once they realized it was a surface - they were fascinated by it. They pawed it, tried to eat it - normal stuff.  So I expect he'll have more pics for me but right now - these two are the only 2 he sent.

Last picture is the little white goat in normal picture conditions. Anyone comment on her body? Her mother - FF - was/is such a great mother - and we are about to find out what type of milker she is.

Baby Pearl is 4 weeks in this picture.





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  • The formal pics are nice for showing conformation, I would think! Good pics! You can never have too many. 

  • Lovely photos! I prefer the natural background, but the formal pics are adorable too!
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