Try to follow the family tree:
Penny and Truffle, my two does, are totally unrelated. I also have a buck: Miyagi, who is unrelated to either doe.
Penny just kidded a buck and a doe. If I were to breed her buckling to Truffle next year, the resulting kids would be Miyagi's 1/2 grand kids.
How awful would it be to then breed Miyagi to his 1/2 grand daughter?
I want a second buck and was contemplating if I could use this one somehow and avoid having to go buy one. Please don't be shy, if it is a terribly idea say so I will not have my feelings hurt :) Well, if it's a terrible idea, say so but be nice about it! :)
Okay, well, never mind on this everyone. I am not too bright when sleep deprived. If I keep him, then I have no one to breed Isabelle to (the new doeling, which we are keeping). So bucky boy has to go and I need to just get an unrelated 2nd buck.
Thanks though! It will be tough. He is so cute, and polled, I suspect.
If you found an old post, you might have seen the adage about getting "trash or treasure" when you line-breed. Basically it concentrates the genes. If you have something like teat defects in the pedigree, they're more likely to come out when you line-breed and even more likely to pop up when you in-breed.
Well I actually just found an old post where Deborah was saying something to the effect of grandfather to granddaughter (or 1/2 granddaughter in this case) isn't so bad...but don't do it just because you don't want to go get another buck lol. Which was my main reason.
Although after reading some other posts about polled I suspect he may be polled. If he is, that would be a real reason I'd keep him. I am really pushing for polled. My buck is and so is Truffle. The more the better.
Less than stellar genetics are probably not the biggest deal, my goats aren't papered and will likely all wind up as pets. Not that I want to breed sub-par animals.
I'm going to be breeding something along these lines, but my offspring will be used for meat, so I don't know if that really has any bearing on whether or not you need to worry.