As some of you may know we are starting from scratch and we are planning on leaving the floor of the barn alone. My question is this, how do I prepare the ground before I put in straw for the girls?
Do I need to put in a layer of sand or gravel to help with drainage? Right now the grass is still growing in it!
That's a good question....never thought about that....maybe the ammonia?
My husband got a bunch of pallets from work to put in the hay side of the barn to keep the hay off the ground. How much straw do you guys usually go through in say, a month? I'll have 3 adults and a minimum of 2 kids in a 12x16 barn space.
Hi Lori,
We went with a dirt floor in our barn, I have a about 12 -18 inches of gravel( for good drainage ) then dirt. We put down pine shaving and I also use PDZ in between shavings.
I haven't clean the barn yet, we have be using deep bedding method. In a few weeks when it warms up I'll be taking everything out, add lime, some diatomaceous earth then the pine shaving again.
When are you getting your goats ? I can't wait to see them. :0)