I swear I saw a post about this here awhile ago, but now I can't find it.
How long is it usually before a doe comes back in heat?
We bought our doe while she was pregnant so I don't really know what I'm looking for in her to tell whether she's in heat or not, but know when she should be would be helpful.
Alright thanks!
I think 5-6 months is probably about average. I've had three or four does that came into heat at three months, and they were all in the same dam line going back to the fourth doe I ever bought, so there seems to be a genetic component.
Hannah Person said:
Their is a wide range on that too. It is unusual but she could go in at anytime now. Normally it would be a little longer.
I didn't know that, thanks. I haven't noticed our other doe in heat for quite awhile and I'd been wondering if I was just not paying enough attention.
She's rather loud usually so it'll probably be hard to tell with her. She did get chased around by her son today (they're going to get castrated tomorrow), though she was running away (it's strange to see her run since she's so large and lumbering usually).
But thanks, I'll just have to be on the look-out.
And also, when do does first come into heat? We got our first goats at three months and didn't really pay attention so I don't think we really noticed our doe in heat until she was like 5 or 6 months.
The little doeling we have now is three months, when will she start coming into heat?
There is no set time, but it's usually at least a couple months. It depends on the season. Although NDs supposedly come into heat year-round, they are more likely to come into heat in the fall. Some don't come into heat during the spring and early summer.
Signs of heat include "flagging," which means tail wagging, being rather loud, rubbing on other goats, trying to mount other goats, standing still (rather than running) when other goats mount her. And you may see anywhere from zero to all of these signs!