How much weight gain per week for baby kid?

My little doeling weighed exactly 2 lb 1 oz the first time I weighed her but this was after some good number of hours nursing so I am assuming she weighed more like 2lb even when she was born.

Today she is 6 days old and weighed 3lb 5oz.  Does anyone know how that stacks up- did she grow a good amount, fair amount ect?  Have no idea what average gains per week might be for a baby like this.  I would love some input since there have been problems with her mom and we have been partially bottle feeding her to try and keep her healthy.

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  • Every time this question comes up I say I'm going to weigh some kids regularly after the next ones are born, but I haven't actually remembered to do it yet. But a >50% weight increase in six days is really good. I'd suggest you keep doing what you're doing!

  • I wouldn't be so much concerned about an average... as long as she's eating, drinking, pooping well, and otherwise acting normal, any bit of weight gain is good, IMO. 

  • She was the runt of triplets and I did not weigh the boys since they were big at birth and having been hogging mom ever since.  But I could weigh them now & next week and see how it compares to her.  She is perky and bright and bouncy, just so small. 

  • Was she a singleton? What about the others? How are they gaining?   I don't know 'average' gains.  Looks like a large gain, but I go more by IF they are gaining steadily , and appear healthy and poops look good. Gain is only one thing,

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