How much space for 3 goats

I will be getting 3 nigerian females next fall.  I am in the process of marking off my barnyard and shelter locaations.  would 150'X225' be enough space for the goats and kids?  I plan to feed mostly hay with some feed.  I also plan to plant this area in a variety of perineal grasses. 


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  • There is not an easy answer to that question. They say the minimum is a month, but if you get a lot of rain, they can live much longer. Basically, you should keep goats off of a piece of pasture as long as possible. They say you should only rotate them onto a piece of pasture once a year to be absolutely safe. Obviously most of us can't do that, so you just keep them off for as long as possible.
  • Deborah, how long does it take for eggs and larvae to die?
  • Thanks for the quick reply.  Im sure there will be more ?s to come.
  • It would be best to sub-divide that space for rotational grazing, even if you are planning to feed additional hay. You could wind up with parasite overload on a pasture that size, but if you're rotating the area where they graze, the eggs and larvae will have a chance to die before the goats can re-ingest them. You could subdivide with permanent fencing or Electronet.
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