Could we go over hoof trimming once again? If only someone would do a video!! I havent been using the stanchion because the goats pull their heads out - I built it from the pattern of a full size stand. so the locking bars just are not right. It's like when I put them in it, their little heads are the same size as the neck - so unless I half choke them - they manage to pull their heads out. I had been wrestling them to the ground and it is not very productive nor pleasant. My larger doe contemplates biting me - she was on a 55 barrel once and i picked up her foot to check my handy work - she grabbed a mouthful of hair - and made me yell to say the least. She pulled and so did I and guess who had the hair in the end? The Goat. I think she remembers the process...... I notice on websites of seasoned breeders their hoofs are small and level. Mine look like there is TOO much hoof and yep, somewhat crescent moon shaped. ???
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I'm talking about the head gate. I don't see why yours won't work. It looks pretty much like mine. The two vertical pieces in the middle should move side to side, so you can close it after the does stick their head through. In our first milk stand, we couldn't move the one side, so we nailed a one-inch wide piece of wood to it to make it more narrow. We actually made it a little too narrow, and some of our does have a little trouble getting their head in and out when it's open. We now have two milk stands, and when we made the second one, we made both pieces movable. So, if you can't adjust the bottom width of the two pieces in the middle, add some wood to make it more narrow.
Melissa Johnson said:
Do you mean for their front feet? could you attach a picture? thnx Deborah.
I think the problem is the locking bars in the head gate - I wonder if they were straight up and down instead of angled? the one i made it from was from milking alpines - so yep, big goats. funny, i didnt even see that Savannah was standing there eating alfafa pellets - lol.
Deborah Niemann-Boehle said:
You really need a stanchion that works for them, especially if you plan to milk. When we built our first stanchion, the head gate was too big, so we added a 1X1 piece of wood, and it's worked for eight years now.
You really need a stanchion that works for them, especially if you plan to milk. When we built our first stanchion, the head gate was too big, so we added a 1X1 piece of wood, and it's worked for eight years now.
Melissa Johnson said:
Deborah Niemann-Boehle said: