Here we go!

After a year of thought/research, we will be starting our goat venture this weekend with  the arrival of 2 doelings & 1 wether.  The plan is to use the moveable pen & put them up in the barn at night. On feeding minerals, baking soda, etc. free choice, would I need to put this in the pen w/them during the day, or would it be okay to hold this off until they're in the barn for the night?  also, I've been "stalking" you all for a bit ;)  and have noticed the term "a flake of hay" - so, newbie question, being horse folks we measure hay by the BALE - what is a FLAKE?

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  • Thanks!  I was kinda thinking that might be it, but wanted to make sure :)

  • Yes,  a bale is a bale for all of us. A flake is also a flake to horse people too, but guess you just never heard the term. Now how to describe it...hmmm... you know how if you cut the haybale strings and you can pick up sections of hay...kinda like slices of bread out of a loaf? know the hay seems to just kind of fall apart into big chunks about every 4 inches or so? Those are FLAKES!  I hope that helps Renee.

    And as far as the minerals and baking soda etc. goes, I am sure that will be ok!  Free choice generally would mean at all times, but as long as it is with them when put up at night it should be alright except in some rare circumstances. I wouldn't worry about it not being in the pen.

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