This morning my 9 month old buck is acting "off", lethargic and obviously not well. His eyelids are deep pink, poop normal, and is peeing fine. I just took his temperature and it is 105.7! I called my vet but he is out of town. I do have pen-G, should I give him some? He has a wet cough occasionally so maybe pneumonia?
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Celebrating all this happy news with a spoonful of cajeta! Cheers! :)
Yay, yay, yay for everybody!! :) So glad everyone is recovering...
Yay! That's what happens when you have the right antibiotic!
And it looks like Charlotte will be coming home tomorrow, so double yay!
Happy update!! 12 hours after the Excede injection and he's like a different goat! Playing buck games and looks bright and happy, hungry, and temp down to normal (102.5)!! Eyelids deep red (thank you Deborah for that info!). Could it work that fast? Before when his temp was just lowered by the banamine, he still had a fever and he still didn't act "normal". Now he's my happy sweet boy again! Fingers crossed he is actually on the mend!
(PS-- I've been following Charlotte's troubles and hoping for you and her that she makes a full recovery!)
Poor baby! I have recently learned that infections in goats can turn really ugly. My best doe has been down at U of I since Wednesday. Apparently when a goat gets an infection, a possible complication is that the immune system can start to destroy red blood cells, causing anemia that is as severe as a hemorrhage and can lead to death. So, keep an eye on his eyelids through this and make sure they don't get pale.
What a cutie! Prayers for his recovery. I'm glad he's been holding up so well even though he is so sick.
PenG definitely didn't work. Fever skyrockets when banamine wears off. Switched to Excede early this morning. Hope to God this knocks it out of him. Poor guy is really sick :( Had to give him a 1/2 dose of banamine again this afternoon when his temp went up to 106.1 again. Vet advising... Hoping to wake up tomorrow to a goat on the mend. Here's a pic of my pretty blue-eyed boy:
Okay thanks. If his temp is back up in the morning, I'm switching to the Excede. Right now he is out browsing and tail up and is temp is down to 104.9-- still a fever but a lot better. I'm thinking his symptoms are being masked by the banamine like you said but I hate to give him the other antibiotic if he has turned the corner. So we'll see in the morning. Thanks so much for your responses and help.
Thanks! The vet gave me some more meds today-- more banamine to try to keep his temp down. It got up to 106.7 today but the banamine had worn off. If he doesn't get better soon or gets worse, he gave me another antibiotic to use but I'm nervous about using it. It's called Excede (mentioned above in this thread). I read some bad reviews but they were about horses. It's been already 32 hours since his first dose of penicillin and he's not really better. I gave him an injection of B complex and banamine a couple of hours ago and he feels better for now -- fever came down to 104.9. What would you do? Do you think I should start another antibiotic or give this one more time?